Flytech files

It seems flytech is no longer storing these manuals on their website, so here ya go. This is what I have found on my harddisk, it is by no means complete. I do not own a Flytech product nor do I know anything specific about these motherboards. These are all the manuals I have got.

Filename  Size  Filename  Size  Filename  Size 
a47.pdf  60 K   a68.pdf  70 K   b59.pdf  64 K
a47cover.pdf  3 K   a68cover.pdf  3 K   b59cover.pdf  3 K
a47index.pdf  3 K   a68index.pdf  4 K   b59index.pdf  3 K
a48.pdf  25 K   b51.pdf  27 K   b62.pdf  47 K
a48cover.pdf  3 K   b51cover.pdf  3 K   b62cover.pdf  3 K
a48index.pdf  3 K   b51index.pdf  3 K   b62index.pdf  3 K
a50.pdf  58 K   b58.pdf  41 K   b63.pdf  192 K
a50cover.pdf  3 K   b58cover.pdf  3 K   b63cover.pdf  3 K
a50index.pdf  3 K   b58index.pdf  3 K   b63index.pdf  3 K

I also have some bios files offline.

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