YAMAHA* AUDIO HARDWARE DEVICE DRIVERS FOR USE WITH WINDOWS* 95 -------------------- 1.0 REVISION HISTORY -------------------- August 27, 1996: Version 1.09 January 6, 1997: Version 3.02i ---------------- 2.0 INTRODUCTION ---------------- This file contains last-minute updates. Please read this file before proceeding with the installation. Supported Hardware: OPL3-SA, OPL3-SA2, OPL3-SA3, OPL4-ML(hardware wavetable) --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPL3-SA AND RETAIL WINDOWS 95 --------------------------------------------------------------- Note these installation instructions assume that you have correctly installed Windows 95 on your computer and that your system is able to boot and run without errors. If not, refer to the Windows 95 User Manual for instructions before continuing. 1. Click Start, and then point to Settings. 2. Click Control Panel. 3. Double-click the System icon. 4. Click the Device Manager tab, and then click the plus sign next to the Other Devices. 5. Click on the first unknown device and then click Remove. 6. Click OK to Confirm Device Removal. 7. Click on the second unknown device and then click Remove. 8. Click OK to Confirm Device Removal. 9. Click Refresh. 10. When prompted, select Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer. 11. Click OK. 12. Click Browse. 13. Under Drive select the drive letter containing Yamaha Audio Drivers Disk #1. 14. Click OK. 15. Click OK again. 16. Insert Disk #2 and click OK when prompted. 17. Insert Windows* 95 CD/diskette if prompted. 18. Restart your computer to complete the installation. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPL3-SA ON OEM WINDOWS 95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Use these instructions when installing the device drivers immediately after installing the Windows 95 operating system. When installed the Yamaha Sound System is classified as an Other Device. 1. During the installation of Windows 95, Windows 95 detects the audio device as Unknown Device and prompts the user that the Update Device Driver Wizard will complete the driver installation. 2. Insert the first diskette containing the audio device driver. 3. Click Next. 4. Windows 95 then prompts that the Yamaha OPL3-SAx Sound System has been found. 5. Click Finish. 6. Repoint to the diskette drive if necessary. 7. When prompted by Windows 95 insert the second diskette into the diskette drive. 8. The gameport will then be detected and installed. If prompted by Windows 95 insert the Windows 95 CD to finish installation of the joystick driver. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPL3-SA2 OR OPL3-SA3 ON RETAIL WINDOWS 95 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. From the Windows 95 desktop, click on the START button, choose SETTING and then CONTROL PANEL. 2. Double click on the SYSTEM icon and select the DEVICE MANAGER tab. If you see an entry labeled OTHER DEVICES double click on it so that this category drops down. If there is an entry called OPL3-SA2 or OPL3-SA3 SOUND CARD, highlight it and click on REMOVE. 3. Scroll down the device list and double click on SOUND, VIDEO AND GAME CONTROLLERS so that it drops down. You will then see a list of devices that have been previously installed. Select any previously installed Sound Cards and Gameports and then click on REMOVE for each one. 4. Select OK to close DEVICE MANGER and close CONTROL PANEL. 5. Insert YAMAMA driver diskette #1 into floppy drive A or B. 6. Select START | RUN and type A:\SAUNINST.EXE and press OK to continue. (Note: B:\SAUNINST.EXE may be substituted if you are using the B drive for your installation). 7. At the first OPLSAx screen select NEXT. Click on NEXT again to continue. 8. When you see the screen "Uninstall Completed" click on FINISH. 9. Remove your floppy and click on OK to restart the computer. 10. You computer will now restart. The first screen you will see "NEW HARDWARE FOUND" which will refer to an OPL3-SA2 or OPL3-SA3 Sound Board depending on your audio solution. 11. Insert YAMAHA driver diskette #1 into your floppy. 12. Select "Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer" and click on OK to continue. 13. At the next screen (Install from floppy) enter either A: or B: depending on which floppy drive you are using. Then click on OK to continue. 14. You system will begin copying files to the hard drive. When you receive the prompt "Please insert the disk labeled OPL3-SAx driver for Windows 95 disk 2," replace YAMAHA driver disk #1 with YAMAHA driver disk #2, then, click on OK. 15. After the additional files have been copied to you hard drive, you may receive the prompt "Please insert the disk labeled Windows 95 CD-ROM and then click OK. 16. If you receive this message, place your Windows 95 CD-ROM in the CD-ROM carrier. 17. Click on OK at this point, enter D:\WIN95 (or using whatever CD-ROM driver letter is appropriate for your system) and click on OK to continue. 18. If your sound is not clear or your sound does not work properly, choose START | SHUTDOWN | RESTART YOUR COMPTUER and click on Yes. You computer will reboot and you should hear the Windows 95 sound as the computer reboots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPL3-SA2 or OPL3-SA3 ON OEM WINDOWS 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. During the installation of Windows 95, Windows 95 detects the audio as OPL3-SA3 Snd System and prompts the user that the Update Device Driver Wizard will complete the installation the drivers. 2. Insert the first diskette disk containing the audio device driver. 3. Click on next. 4. Windows 95 then prompts that the Yamaha OPL3-SAx Sound System has been found. 5. Click on Finish. 6. Repoint to the diskette drive if necessary. 7. When prompted by Windows 95 insert the second diskette into the diskette drive. 8. The gameport will then be detected and installed. If prompted by Windows 95 please insert the Windows 95 CD to finish installation of the joystick driver. ---------------------------- 7.0 OVERINSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ---------------------------- If your systems has an earlier version of the Yamaha Sound System device drivers: 1. Run "SAuninst.exe" from the first driver diskette. 2. When prompted restart your system and remove the floppy diskette. 3. After reboot if prompted insert the first driver diskette. 4. If not prompted to insert driver diskette. Check the device manager, remove any entries pertaining to Yamaha and reboot. 5. Follow the instructions on how to install the device drivers above. ----------------------------------------------- 8.0 PLAYING HARDWARE WAVETABLE OR USING OPL4-ML ----------------------------------------------- If your system has a hardware wavetable card installed or the OPL4-ML installed you can enable hardware wavetable for playback of Midi files. 1. Double click on My Computer. 2. Double click on the Control Panel Applet. 3. Double click on the Multimedia Applet. 4. Click the Midi tab on the Multimedia Properties Window. 5. Highlight YAMAHA OPL3-SA MPU401. 6. Click OK. 7. Open Media Player by going into the START | PROGRAMS | ACCESSORIES | MEDIA PLAYER. 8. Once Media Player is open click on File. 9. Highlight and select Open. 10. Point to a Midi file and select it. Some Midi files are usually contained in the \Windows\Media directory. 11. You can now play Midi files using Hardware Wavetable. Click on Media Player's play button. ------------------------------ 9.0 PLAYING SOFTWARE WAVETABLE ------------------------------ 1. Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. 2. Double-click the Multimedia icon. 3. Select Yamaha OPL3SA SoftSynth and click OK. 4. Open a media player and play a MIDI file. Use the Wave device section of the mixer to control the volume and the balance of the software wavetable music. 5. Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. 6. Double-click the OPLSoftSynth Icon and change the Quality setting to improve the sound quality. ------------------------------------------------------------- 10.0 PLAYING SOFTWARE WAVETABLE AND WAVE FILES SIMULTANEOUSLY ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. 2. Double-click the OPLSoftSynth Icon. 3. Set the Quality, Reverb, and Filter settings. 4. Click OK. -------------------------------------------------------------- 11.0 USING SOFTWARE WAVETABLE IN A VIRTUAL DOS BOX APPLICATION -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. 2. Double-click the OPLSoftSynth Icon. 3. Set the Quality, Reverb, and Filter settings. 4. Set MPU401 OUT to Soft GM. 5. Click OK. 6. Setup the DOS application to use General MIDI or MPU401 at I/O Address 330. 7. Start the DOS application. The sound quality should improve as compared to normal FM synthesis. --------------- 12.0 KNOWN BUGS --------------- Advanced Power Management support is not available for the OPL3-SA. ------------------------- 13.0 COPYRIGHT/TRADEMARKS ------------------------- *Other brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.