******************driver***************************** Please run setup.exe in the sub-directory(\\driver) ******************Soft Synth(MiDi)******************* INSTALL AND REMOVE INSTRUCTIONS: The Setup utility is not included in this release. Installation Requirements * In order to add/remove this driver to an NT installation, you must have Administrator privilege. * PCI bus-mastering must be enabled in your system BIOS for optimal driver performance. Consult your system's main board-specific instructions. * A system restart is generally required to add/remove the driver. Note that following installation, you can skip the restart if you take the properties of the newly installed driver and select the Details tab of the driver's property page. This procedure will complete the ADISynth's registration process and it will be ready to use without a restart. Restart is always required to move the driver however. If you are upgrading from a previous release of ADISynth, you must remove the previous release and restart NT prior to installing this version. See Device Removal section below for instructions on removing the existing device. Note that during installation of this release, you will be prompted to use new or current driver files. Always select new files. If you have not previously installed a version of ADISynth on your system, the driver will install and prompt you to restart the system. Restart the system and follow the directions in the Device Installation section. InstallShield Installation NOTE: Ensure that previously loaded driver versions were properly uninstalled. 1. Press Start button. 2. Press Run. 3. Type in the (Path)\Setup.exe (in subdirectory\\soft_synth) unzipped). 4. Press OK to run setup. 5. Click the Next and OK prompts as the installer progresses. 6. Choose to reboot system at the end of the install program. NOTE: The system must be rebooted to properly install drivers. Uninstallation 1. Go to Start\Settings\Control Panel. 2. Go to the Add/Remove programs icon and double-click on NT MIDI UNINSTALL. 3. Reboot system. NOTE: The system must be rebooted to fully uninstall drivers. This procedure will remove all files loaded at install, and the installer will need to be run again before the sound system will work. Device Installation Installation and/or Update of Analog Devices ADISynth software-based Wavetable MIDI Synthesizer for Windows NT 4.0. NOTE: Ensure that previously loaded driver versions were properly uninstalled. 1. Open the Control Panel. 2. Open the Multimedia Class applet. 3. Select the Devices property page of the Multimedia Class applet. 4. Click the Add button. 5. Select Unlisted or Updated Driver & click OK. 6. Browse to the folder containing the driver distribution (as described in the table above) and click OK. Note: Your local path to the driver distribution will be shown in the path selection dialog. 7. Click OK again to load the OEMSETUP.INF file. 8. Select ADI Software Synthesizer Driver & click OK. Device Removal Removal of Analog Devices ADISynth software-based Wavetable MIDI Synthesizer for Windows NT 4.0. 1. Open the Control Panel. 2. Open the Multimedia Class applet. 3. Select the Devices property page of the Multimedia Class applet. 4. In the tree-view, open the MIDI Devices and Instruments item. 5. Select MIDI for ADI Software Synthesizer Driver. 6. Click the Remove button & confirm device removal. NOTE: If you remove the driver and then attempt to re-install without first restarting your system, NT will issue a warning and terminate the install. You must restart after a remove. 7. Restart the system. Recording a Response File You have the option of letting InstallShield create the response file for you. Simply run your setup with the Setup.exe -r command line parameter. InstallShield will record all your setup choices in Setup.iss and place the file in the Windows folder. Playing Back a Response File After you have created the setup and the response file, you are ready to run the setup in silent mode using InstallShield Silent. When running a setup in silent mode, be aware that no messages are displayed. Instead, a log file named Setup.log captures setup information, including whether the setup was successful. You can review the log file and determine the result of the setup. To launch InstallShield Silent, run Setup.exe with the -s option.