Intel(R) PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS AND MODEM SCRIPT FILES Software Release x.xx August 09, 2000 ======================================================================= This SCRIPTS.TXT file contains instructions for setting up your Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter with several popular communications programs. CONTENTS ======== 1) Introduction 2) America Online v. 3.0 3) America Online v. 3.0 with Windows* 95 4) CompuServe - WinCIM 2.5.1 with Internet Explorer 2.1 5) CompuServe - WinCIM v.3.02 with Windows 95 6) Laplink v.6.0 7) Laplink v.6.0 with Windows 95 8) Lotus cc:Mail Mobile v.2.22 with Windows 9) Lotus cc:Mail Mobile v.2.22 with Windows 95 10) Lotus Notes v.4.11a with Windows 11) Lotus Notes v.4.11a with Windows 95, NT 4.0 12) Microsoft Dial-Up Adapter Networking for Windows 95 13) Microsoft Remote Access Server (RAS) 14) Prodigy Internet v.1.1.6 with Windows 95 15) Microsoft Mail 16) Intel Customer Support 1) INTRODUCTION ============ Some of these instructions may include references to "modem script files" - These files are: - CLASS73.MDM - MODEM.INI - M16BRAS1.INF - MBL56LOT.MDM - MBL56MM.MDM - MBL56MM.SCR Most communications programs include a function to set up your modem within the program. Most communications programs are capable of Modem auto-detection: 1. Search for modem. 2. Discovery of modem make, model, speed, communications port and interrupt. 3. Incorporation of modem configuration into program. The Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter is automatically configured by the communications program, if the modem is installed prior to the communications program. If the communications program is already installed, you are installing a new modem and/or your modem is not functioning, please follow the instructions for each application. Note for Windows 95 Installations --------------------------------- 1. First, install the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter 2. Second, verify the modem settings: a. Go to Control Panel. b. Double click on the Modem icon. c. Highlight the Intel modem that will be used. d. Click on Properties. e. Note the Communications Port assigned to the modem under GENERAL. f. Accept the default or set the Maximum Speed of the modem. g. Use the default initialization string. If it requires modification, click on the Connection Tab, then Advanced, input changes on the Extra Settings line. 3. Verify that the modem is functioning via Modem Diagnostics and Hyperterminal. 4. Install the communications program. The Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter is automatically configured by the communications program, if the modem is installed prior to the communications program. During the installation process, you will be prompted to verify the Modem selection, communications port, etc. 2) AMERICA ONLINE v.3.0 ==================== America Online v.3.0 ships with a MODEM.INI file. This file must be modified in order to use the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter. 1. To update the MODEM.INI file, do the following: a. In the C:\AOL30\MPM sub-directory b. Rename the CLASS73.MDM file to CLASS73.OLD and MODEM.INI file to MODEM.OLD. c. Copy the new CLASS73.MDM and MODEM.INI files to the C:\AOL30\MPM sub-directory. d. Start the America Online program. 2. To setup the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter modem, click SETUP on the Welcome screen, a. Click on Modem Setup in the Network & Modem Setup window. b. In the Modem Selection and Customization window, i. Select the COM # that is assigned to the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter PC Card under Modem Port. ii. Highlight Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter, then click OK iii. Note: Use the default initialization string. If you need to change the string, you may do so under the Edit Commands options. 3) AMERICA ONLINE V. 3.0 WITH WINDOWS 95 ====================================== America Online v3.0 ships with a MODEM.INI file. This file must be modified in order to use the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter. 1. To update the MODEM.INI file, do the following: a. In the C:\AOL30\MPM sub-directory b. Rename the CLASS73.MDM file to CLASS73.OLD and MODEM.INI file to MODEM.OLD c. Copy the new CLASS73.MDM and MODEM.INI files to the C:\AOL30\MPM sub-directory d. Start the America Online program 2. To setup your Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter modem, click SETUP on the Welcome screen, a. Click on Modem Setup in the Network & Modem Setup window b. In the Modem Selection and Customization window, i. Select the COM # that is assigned to the modem under Modem Port. ii. Highlight Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter, then click OK iii. Note: Use the default initialization string. If you need to change the string, you may do so under the Edit Commands options. 4) COMPUSERVE - WINCIM 2.5.1 WITH INTERNET EXPLORER 2.1 ==================================================== To setup the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter or revise the present configuration, 1. Click on Special 2. Click on Session Settings a. Indicate which COM port is assigned to the modem under Connector b. Select the speed of the modem under Baud Rate c. Click once in the box to the left of Use Winsock, for Internet access 3. Click on Modem in the Setup Session Settings window a. In the Modem Control Strings, select Other under Modem: b. Use the default initialization string. If modification is required, enter the necessary changes in the Initialize: section. c. Click OK, to update configuration and close menus. 5) COMPUSERVE - WINCIM V.3.02 WITH WINDOWS 95 =========================================== To setup the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter or revise the present configuration: 1. Click on Access or the Setup icon 2. Click on Preferences 3. In the Connection window under Connection Type check all settings for accuracy. a. Winsock: (Default WINSOCK) b. Connect using: c. Phone #: d. Port: e. Port speed: f. Dial type: If any of the above settings are not valid, modify them for program functionality. 4. To modify the modem type, click on Define Modem, highlight the modem manufacturer and model of the Intel modem you will utilize. NOTE: The default initialization string should suffice. To modify your initialization string, click on Define Modem, enter the new initialization string in the Initialization section. 5. Click OK to save configuration and exit. 6) LAPLINK V.6.0 ============= To setup the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter or revise the present configuration: 1. In the Control Panel, click on the Modem icon to access the Port Setup window. 2. In the Port Setup Screen a. Click on the communications port that corresponds to the one assigned to the modem. b. Select Modem under Type. c. Enable Port by clicking box in that field. 3. Click Configure to configure the modem. a. Select your modem Speed under Modem Settings. b. Under Modem Type, select Hayes Generic. c. To modify the modem initialization string, which is usually not necessary, click Customize and make any changes required. Click OK, then Close. d. Enter the phone number(s) of your service provider and/or BBS in the Connect over Modem window under Phone Number. Be sure entries in Services and Security are correct for your environment and/or the type of action you wish to exercise. If too many programs are loaded via the LOAD or RUN statements in your c:\windows\win.ini file, you will receive an "Out of System Memory Error" when running LapLink. Correct this error by temporarily editing out any special programs in those two statements. Make a backup copy of the WIN.INI file before editing it. The load=c:\(Laplink Directory)\llwload.exe line must reside in the WIN.INI, as it is required for LapLink to work. Operating inconsistencies will be experienced when Card and Socket Services are used with LapLink. If you need to use LapLink, it is recommended that Card and Socket Services are not used. 7) LAPLINK V.6.0 WITH WINDOWS 95 ============================== To setup the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter or revise the present configuration: The steps are the same as those listed above, except under 3.d. 1. In the Connect over Modem window under Dialing enter: a. The phone number(s) of your service provider and/or BBS Phone Number. b. The location that you are dialing from under Dialing Location. c. Notice that in Connect Over Modem, Connect Using, the actual name of the Intel product being used should be reflected. d. Verify that the entry in Services section matches the action you wish to exercise. e. There is no Security category. 8) LOTUS CC:MAIL MOBILE V.2.22 WITH WINDOWS ======================================== 1. Copy the M16BLOT.MDM file to the default directory where the Lotus cc:Mobile *.MDM files are located. 2. Setup Lotus cc:Mobile to use this M16BLOT.MDM file as follows: a. From the Lotus cc:Mail Mobile Main Menu, select Mobile b. Next, select Location Setup. c. In Telephone, verify that your Dialing Rules and Strings are correct. d. In Communications, highlight Default Communications Method, then set the * Connection Type = Modem * Modem Type = Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter * Serial Port = Communication Port assigned to the modem 3. Click OK to save and close. 4. Enable SESSION.LOG to obtain the status of the modem: a. From the Lotus cc:Mail Mobile Main Menu, select Mobile, Mobile Setup: b. Place a 'check mark' under Save cc:Mail Background Session Log c. Place a 'check mark' under Activate Diagnostics in cc:Mail Background. 9) LOTUS CC:MAIL MOBILE V.2.22 WITH WINDOWS '95 ============================================ 1. Copy the M16BLOT.MDM file to the default directory where the Lotus cc:Mobile *.MDM files are stored. 2. Setup Lotus cc:Mobile to use this M16BLOT.MDM file as follows: a. From the Lotus cc:Mail Mobile Main Menu, select Mobile, b. Next select Location Setup. c. In Telephone, verify that the Dialing Rules and Strings are correct. d. In Communications, highlight Default Communications Method, then Edit as follows: * Connection Type = Modem * Modem Type = Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter * Serial Port = Com Port setting used in Windows 95 3. Click OK to save and close 4. Enable SESSION.LOG to obtain the modem status of: a. From the Lotus cc:Mail Mobile Main Menu, select Mobile, Mobile Setup: b. Place a 'check mark' under Save cc:Mail Background Session Log. c. Place a 'check mark' under Activate Diagnostics in cc:Mail Background. 10) LOTUS NOTES V.4.11A WITH WINDOWS ================================ To setup the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter or revise the present configuration: 1. Copy the M16BLOT.MDM file to the default directory where Lotus Notes program is installed. \NOTES\DATA\MODEMS 2. In the Lotus Notes Desktop screen, click on File 3. Click on Tools 4. Click on User Preferences 5. Click on the Ports icon 6. Under Communications Ports a. Select the appropriate protocol if connecting via the network b. If connecting over the modem i. Select the correct COM# ii. Click in the Port Enabled box 7. If connecting over modem, click on COM# Options, a. Under Modem type, verify that the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter is listed b. Verify that the Maximum port speed is set to 115.2 Kbps c. Use the default initialization string. d. Click OK to save changes and exit 11) LOTUS NOTES V.4.11A WITH WINDOWS 95, NT 4.0 ============================================ To setup the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter or revise the present configuration: 1. Copy the M16BLOT.MDM file to the default directory where Lotus Notes program is installed. \NOTES\DATA\MODEMS 2. In the Lotus Notes Desktop screen, click on File 3. Click on Tools 4. Click on User Preferences 5. Click on the Ports icon 6. Under Communications Ports a. Select the appropriate protocol if connecting via the network b. If connecting over the modem i. Select the correct COM# ii. Click in the Port Enabled box 7. If connecting over modem, click on COM# Options, a. Under Modem type, verify that the correct Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter is listed b. Verify that the Maximum port speed is set to 115.2 Kbps c. Use the default initialization string. If you need to modify the string, do so under Control Panel\Modems\Modem Properties\Connection\Advanced\Extra Settings d. Click OK to save changes and exit 12) MICROSOFT DIAL-UP ADAPTER NETWORKING FOR WINDOWS 95 =================================================== The Microsoft Dial-Up Adapter may be used for Remote Access Service (RAS), remote connection to in-house server and/or to access the Internet. To install the Dial-Up Adapter, 1. In the Control Panel, double click on the Network icon 2. Click Add 3. Double click on Adapter 4. Highlight Microsoft under Manufacturers and Dial-Up Adapter will appear under Network Adapters, click OK 5. Windows 95 disks may be requested if not present in C:\Windows\Options\Cabs sub-directory 6. Add the proper networking protocol for the Dial-Up Adapter (i.e. TCP/IP, (IP, Subnet Mask, and Gateway may be required)) 7. Restart the computer when prompted 8. Revise the Dial-Up Adapter properties a. Double click on the My Computer icon on the desktop b. Double click on the Dial-Up Networking icon c. Double click on the Make New Connection icon i. Type in the Name of the computer or service you want to dial ii. Under Select a Modem, select the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter that is installed iii. Click on Configure, confirm the Com Port and Maximum Speed of connection iv. Use the default Initialization String. To modify the string click on the Connection tab, and then Advanced Connection Settings. Enter all changes under Extra Settings: v. Click OK to return to the Make New Connection screen, then click Next vi. Enter the Area Code and Telephone number of computer or service, click Next, then Finish 13) MICROSOFT REMOTE ACCESS SERVER (RAS) ==================================== NOTE: If the modem is not being initialized via the network driver, or with the assistance of Card and Socket Services, initialize the modem only function by running IMENABLE.COM COM# prior to launching Windows for Workgroups. In either case, make sure that TERMINAL can recognize and access the modem before proceeding to the next step. 1. Copy the MBL56RAS.INF file to the c:\windows\system directory. 2. Exit Windows and go to the C:\Windows\System sub-directory. Back up the original MODEM.INF with the following command: COPY MODEM.INF MODEM.BAK 3. Append the Intel MBL56RAS.INF file to the end of the MODEM.INF file. To do this, issue the following commands: COPY MODEM.INF+MBL56RAS.INF MODEM.NEW COPY MODEM.NEW MODEM.INF 4. Modify the new MODEM.INF. In the [Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter] section, edit the following lines: MAXCARRIERBPS= 56000 MAXCONNECTBPS= 56000 6. Save the file and exit the editor 7. Double click on the Windows Network Setup icon 8. Install Remote Access Service in Windows for Workgroups a. Double click on the Network Setup icon, then the RASSTART icon b. Click Install to continue c. In the Remote Access screen click on Yes to All, " replace all later files with the version you are installing now, press Yes to All." Windows disks #7 and 8 are required to complete the installation d. In the Remote Access Configuration screen, i. Click on the COM port assigned to the Intel Modem ii. Under Device, select Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter iii. Click OK to save changes, then Click Restart Computer 9. Restart RAS. To input the phone number(s) into RAS a. Click on Edit to access the Edit Phone Book Entry screen. b. Input all other required data c. Under Port: select Any modem port, d. Click OK to save and exit 14) PRODIGY INTERNET V.1.1.6 WITH WINDOWS 95 ========================================= To setup the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter or revise the present configuration: 1. Double click on NetAssist for Prodigy Internet 2. Click on Dialer Settings 3. Click on Modem Info. Highlight the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter 4. By default, there should be an 'X' in the 'Check this if you have a PCMCIA modem' 5. Click Change Modem Strings 6. Modify the Init String: line to read AT&FE0Q0V0, then click OK 7. Click OK to exit the Modem Settings menu 8. Click Exit to accept changes and close the NetAssist Windows Application - NetAssist 9. Double click the Prodigy Internet icon to access the service 15) Microsoft Mail ============== 1. Copy the MBL56MM.SCR to the MS Mail Data Disk used by the administrator to set up clients. This will allow the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter to appear as a choice during setup, or the MBL56MM.SCR file can be copied to the C:\WINDOWS\MSMAIL\MSRMT\GLB directory, once copied, there will now be an option for the Intel PRO 100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter. If it is necessary to modify the initialization settings, edit the MBL56MM.MDM file, this will need to compiled with the MS-MAIL Compiler utility (SCRCOMP.EXE), copy the newly compiled MBL56MM.SCR file to C:\WINDOWS\MSMAIL\MSRMT\GLB, choose yes, when prompted to overwrite the existing MBL56MM.SCR file. 16) INTEL CUSTOMER SUPPORT ====================== The following services are available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year: Internet ======== Use the World Wide Web or anonymous FTP to get the following: - Troubleshooting information - Software updates - Installation notes - Product information - Technical documents Connection information ---------------------- World Wide Web: (Intel Corporate home page) (Customer Support home page) * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.