Post OS Unattended Update Release Notes for Windows* 95 or 98 ============================================================= Windows 9x Unattended Update Files: 9XUPDATE.EXE - Update executable 9XUPDATE.TXT - This text file CFGMGR32.DLL - DLL used by the unattended update SETUPAPI.DLL - DLL used by the unattended update This update package performs post OS unattended software updates under Windows 95 or 98 for the adapter software. It supports upgrading software from SW Release 1.x to 2.x or to 3.x, or from SW Release 2.x to 3.x and future releases. Software downgrade is not supported. 9XUPDATE.EXE can be invoked via command line options. It upgrades the drivers silently by copying the files and updating the registry and, if specified, restarts the computer. 9XUPDATE.EXE, the Win9x INF file and the associated software must be placed in the same directory. Also, under Windows 95 required DLLs, SETUPAPI.DLL and CFGMGR32.DLL, are not part of the installation and these DLLs are provided as part of the update package. They should also be placed in the same directory where 9XUPDATE.EXE is located or in the default windows path. NOTE: Do not create the update directory as a subdirectory of your Windows directory or Windows will prompt you for information that it doesn't really need. 9XUPDATE.EXE is invoked in one of three ways: 1) 9XUPDATE [InfSection] [RebootOption] where: InfSection: the section to execute from the INF file. This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, it will be auto-detected. RebootOption: indicates whether to restart the computer after the update is performed. The RebootOptions are: 0 = no restart 1 = restart without prompting user 2 = prompt user before restart For example, to update to the 3.x software with no restart after the update is performed, from the directory containing the INF and other files type the following command: 9XUPDATE 0 2) 9XUPDATE install This option will attempt to execute as auto-detect, no restart, update. If that mechanism fails, 9XUPDATE will try to copy the install disk files listed in the [SourceDisksFiles] section of the INF file to the %windir%\options\Intel directory. The system is then prepared so that the adapter will be auto-detected and installed when the machine is restarted. If the process is successful, the user will be prompted to reboot. 3) 9XUPDATE forceupdate This option will attempt to execute as auto-detect, no restart, update. If that mechanism fails, 9XUPDATE will try to recover and update anyway. During the update, progress bars are displayed briefly. Update results are written to a log file in the system directory named after the COMPUTERNAME with a ".log" extension, for example: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WORK_STATION_16.LOG. The first line in this file is the error code, the second line is the explanation of the error code, and the third line is the date and time stamps. A zero in the first line of the log file indicates update was successful, otherwise the update failed. The update will take effect when the computer is restarted. * Third party trademarks are property of their owners.