Post OS Unattended Update Release Notes for Windows* NT* 4.0 ================================================================== COPYRIGHT (C) 1998,1999 INTEL CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PROGRAM OR PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, TRANSCRIBED, STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSLATED INTO ANY LANGUAGE OR COMPUTER LANGUAGE IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC, MECHANICAL, MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, CHEMICAL, MANUAL, OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF INTEL CORPORATION. ================================================================== NT 4.0 Unattended Update Files: NTUPDATE.BAT - Batch file to invoke the update NTUPDATE.INF - Unattended update install file NTUPDATE.TXT - This text file SETPATH.EXE - Utility used to set some environment variables for NTUPDATE.BAT This update package performs unattended software updates under Windows NT 4.0. It supports upgrading software from SW Release 1.x to SW Release 2.x or to SW Release 3.x, or from SW Release 2.x to SW Release 3.x and future releases. Currently, it does not support downgrading to a prior version. The batch file, NTUPDATE.BAT, can be invoked via command line options. It upgrades the software silently by copying the files and updating the registry and, if specified, restarts the computer. The NTUPDATE.BAT batch file can be run from any path but the NT 4.0 OEMSETUP.INF file, the associated software and the NTUPDATE.INF file must be located in the same directory. The batch file can be executed as stand-alone by providing the command line options or hooked to another package. The NTUPDATE.BAT can be invoked as follows: NTUpdate SourcePath INFOption RebootOption or NTUpdate SourcePath RebootOption or NTUpdate RebootOption or NTUpdate where: NTUPDATE the name of the batch file SourcePath : the absolute path to the upgrade software This is an optional parameter; the default is the current directory InfOption : used to pass the INF option for the OEMSETUP.INF file This is an optional parameter; if not specified, it is auto-detected. RebootOption : indicates whether to restart the computer after the update is performed. The options are: 0 = no restart 1 = restart without prompting user 2 = restart by prompting user For example, to update to the 3.x software from the location "d:\update3", with no restarting after the update option, type the following command: NTUPDATE d:\update3 0 During the update, progress bars are displayed. Update results are written to a log file named after the COMPUTERNAME with a '.log' extension in the, %systemroot%\system32 directory, for example: "C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\WORK_STATION_16.LOG". A zero in this file indicates the update was successful, otherwise the update failed. The update will take effect at the next restart of the computer. The batch file will display a usage message with a '?' parameter: NTUPDATE ? In case of a missing required driver file, the computer displays an error message. * Third party trademarks are property of their owners.