PUSH INSTALLATION OF DRIVER ADAPTER ON WINDOWS 2000 Windows 2000 PUSH Installation: =============================== Contents: I. Introduction II. Setting up an Install Directory on the file server III. Deployment Method I.Introduction The PUSH installations of Network Adapter drivers on windows 2000 is achieved by setting the options in the Unattend.txt file. I. Setting up an Install Directory on the file server Note: The network share Z:\PUSH2K is used here as an example path to the distribution folder. The distribution folder is where the setup files for Windows 2000 reside. During the first step of the install, the client will connect to the distribution folder with IPX or TCP/IP. Before an unattended server based setup of Windows 2000 can occur a directory needs to be prepared. 1. Copy the \I386 folder from the CD to Z:\PUSH2K. Use Explorer, Winfile or XCOPY in order to maintain the same directory structure as on the CD. 2. Make folders beneath \i386 as follows: \$OEM$\$$\Help \$OEM$\$$\System32 \$OEM$\$1\Drivers\Net\e100b 3. From the Configuration and Drivers Diskette provided with the adapter, copy all the files into Z:\PUSH2K\i386\$OEM$\$1\Drivers\Net\e100b directory and copy Unattend.txt from the Diskette into the shared directory Z:\PUSH2K. Make sure that Unattend.txt has the latest changes you made for customizing the push installation. III. Deployment Method 1. Make sure that you have a copy of network bootable MS-DOS floppy and the boot the system which you want to push install with this floppy and connected to the shared network directory. 2. Run the command as : \\Server\PUSH2K\i386\winnt /u:\\Server\PUSH2K\Unattend.txt /s:\\Server\PUSH2K /t:C Important Note: By adopting the above procedure, the setup runs the installation in unattended mode and also detects the plug and play network adpaters. All driver files are copied from the shared directory to the target system directories and continues installation of the OS and Network Adapters without user intervention. The sample Unattend.txt file used for the above installation is as follows: [Unattended] Unattendmode = FullUnattended OemPreinstall = YES TargetPath = WINNT Filesystem = LeaveAlone NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1 NoWaitAfterGUIMode = 1 OemSkipEula = Yes OemPnpDriversPath="drivers\net\e100b" [UserData] ProductID=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx FullName = "DMI2" OrgName = "Intel" ComputerName = "COMPUTER1" [GuiUnattended] TimeZone = "004" AdminPassword = * OemSkipWelcome = 1 AdvServerType = SERVERNT [LicenseFilePrintData] AutoMode = PerSeat [Display] BitsPerPel = 16 XResolution = 800 YResolution = 600 VRefresh = 60 [Identification] JoinWorkGroup = Workgroup ; *Use the following for a domain installation ; JoinDomain=DMI2 ; CreateComputerAccountInDomain=Yes ; DomainAdmin=Installer ; DomainAdminPassword=install [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes