**************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** * * * Intel(r) Bus Master IDE Driver for Windows* 95 * * Installation, Usage, and Release Note Information * * * * Revision: Production Release * * Date: August 12, 1998 * * * * This document describes the installation procedure and usage * * information for the Intel(r) Bus Master IDE (BM-IDE) Driver for * * Windows* 95. Also included are release notes describing known issues * * with the software at the time of release. * * * * NOTE: This software package may also be used to remove the Intel(r) * * BM-IDE driver for Windows* 95 from a Windows* 98 environment. * * See the "DE-INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE" section below. * * * **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** * CONTENTS * **************************************************************************** 1. System Requirements 2. Contents of the Distribution Package 3. Installing the Software 4. Verifying Installation of the Software 5. De-installing the Software 6. Identifying the Software Version Number 7. Device Configuration Information 8. Troubleshooting 9. Release Notes 9A. Large IDE fixed disk drive support 9B. Changes from previous release 9C. Known issues in this release **************************************************************************** * 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS * **************************************************************************** NOTE: This driver has been designed for and tested with Microsoft Windows* 95 only; the driver is not intended to be used on Windows* 98. The SETUP.EXE program, however, can additionally be run on Windows* 98 to remove the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver, which remains installed after upgrading a Windows* 95 system to Windows* 98 using the Microsoft Windows* 98 Upgrade CD-ROM. 1. The system chipset must contain an Intel(r) PIIXn device (82371FB - PIIX, 82371SB - PIIX3, 82371AB/EB - PIIX4/PIIX4E). The following is a list of Intel(r) chipsets as of August, 1998, listing corresponding PIIXn devices: Intel(r) Chipset Intel(r) PIIXn Device ------------------------------------------------ Intel(r) 430FX PCIset 82371FB (PIIX) Intel(r) 430HX PCIset 82371SB (PIIX3) Intel(r) 430VX PCIset 82371SB (PIIX3) Intel(r) 440FX PCIset 82371SB (PIIX3) Intel(r) 430TX PCIset 82371AB (PIIX4) Intel(r) 440LX AGPset 82371AB/EB (PIIX4/PIIX4E) Intel(r) 440BX AGPset 82371AB/EB (PIIX4/PIIX4E) Intel(r) 440EX AGPset 82371EB (PIIX4E) Intel(r) 440GX AGPset 82371EB (PIIX4E) 2. For driver installation, one of the following versions of Windows* 95 must be installed on the system: Windows* 95 4.00.950 (Retail) Windows* 95 4.00.950a (OEM Service Release 1, or 'OSR1') Windows* 95 4.00.950b (OSR2 or OSR2.1) Windows* 95 4.00.950c (OSR2.5) (Driver de-install is additionally compatible with Windows* 98 Retail release, version 4.10.1998.) 3. This utility should only be used on desktop systems. The utility must not be executed on notebook or portable systems with or without dock. 4. There must be no other non-PIIXn IDE controllers (add-in IDE controller or sound card with IDE) enabled on the system. **************************************************************************** * 2. CONTENTS OF THE DISTRIBUTION PACKAGE * **************************************************************************** The Intel(r) BM-IDE Driver for Windows* 95 release package contains the following items: Date Time Size File ---- ---- ---- ---- 8-12-98 12:00a 45,312 SETUP EXE 8-12-98 12:00a 77,492 SETUP INS 8-12-98 12:00a 179,689 _SETUP LIB 8-12-98 12:00a 6,128 _SETUP DLL 8-12-98 12:00a 320,411 _INST32I EX_ 8-12-98 12:00a 40,255 PIIXDRV Z 8-12-98 12:00a 26,705 README TXT **************************************************************************** * 3. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE * **************************************************************************** 1. Check the System Requirements and ensure the system is operating correctly. 2. Close any running applications. 3. The driver files are stored in an integrated application setup program. This program is a Windows* 95 program that allows the driver files to be INSTALLED or DE-INSTALLED. Execute the driver setup program - run SETUP.EXE. 4. Select 'Next' on Welcome Screen to continue. 5. View the 'Software Use and Distribution License Agreement' and choose 'Yes' if you agree to continue. NOTE: If you choose 'No' the program will terminate. 6. Next, select 'INSTALL' to install the Intel(r) BM-IDE Driver. NOTE: if the driver is currently installed on the system, SETUP will ask you whether or not you want to continue. Follow the prompts on the screen to Install the driver if desired. 7. Select 'OK' to restart the system when prompted to do so. 8. Follow the screen instructions and use default settings to complete the setup when Windows* 95 is re-started. Upon re-start, Windows* 95 will display that it has found Intel PCI Bus Master IDE controller hardware and is installing hardware for it. 9 Select 'Yes' when prompted to re-start Windows* 95. NOTE: After installation, the following driver and related files are stored as listed. \SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS\IDEATAPI.MPD \SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS\PIIXVSD.VXD \INF\IDEATAPI.INF **************************************************************************** * 4. VERIFYING INSTALLATION OF THE DRIVER * **************************************************************************** If the system does not operate reliably or fails to boot when the driver is installed, jump to the "TROUBLESHOOTING" section below. To verify successful installation: 1. Run START/SETTINGS/CONTROL PANEL 2. Invoke the SYSTEM applet. 3. Select the DEVICE MANAGER tab. 4. Select the VIEW DEVICES BY TYPE option. A list of the devices connected to the system will be displayed. 5. Select the HARD DISK CONTROLLERS entry. 6. Verify the 'Intel 82371xx PCI Bus Master IDE Controller' listing. NOTE: A yellow '!' mark is normal if no devices are connected to that controller. If a yellow warning symbol appears in error, the driver may not be installed and/or working properly. Please refer to the "TROUBLESHOOTING" section below. **************************************************************************** * 5. DE-INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE * **************************************************************************** NOTE: The de-installer function of this software package can be used to remove the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver from both Windows* 95 and Windows* 98 operating systems. Due to a limitation in the Microsoft Windows* 98 Upgrade installer, the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver is not replaced by the Microsoft BM-IDE driver during the upgrade procedure. This scenario may cause problems in the system's IDE subsytem. The recommended procedure is to replace the Intel driver with the native Microsoft BM-IDE driver by running the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver SETUP.EXE program under Windows* 98. 1. Either Windows* 95 or Windows* 98 must be installed. 2. Close any running applications. 3. The driver de-installer is stored in an integrated application setup program. This program is a Windows* 95 program that allows the driver files to be INSTALLED or DE-INSTALLED. Execute the driver setup program - run SETUP.EXE. 4. Click 'Next' on Welcome Screen to continue. 5. View the 'Software Use and Distribution License Agreement' and choose 'Yes' if you agree to continue. NOTE: If you choose 'No' the program will terminate. 6. If running under Windows* 98, a dialog box will appear, stating that the installation software will only provide a driver DE-INSTALL function under Windows* 98. Select OK to continue. 7. Select 'DE-INSTALL', to install the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver when prompted to do so. NOTE: If the driver is not currently installed on the system, SETUP will exit. 8. If running under Windows* 98, a dialog box will appear next, indicating that after the system reboots, only NEXT should be chosen for all Windows* 98 system prompts that appear. These prompts are native to Windows* 98, and cannot be suppressed by the BM-IDE de-installer program. Be sure not to change any of the dialog box settings, and simply select NEXT as many times as necessary in order for the system to reboot and reconfigure properly. 9. Click 'OK' to restart the system when prompted to do so. 10. Follow the screen instructions and use default settings to complete the setup when Windows* is re-started. NOTE: After Windows* 95 configures the primary IDE controller, you will be prompted to reboot. At this prompt, select 'No.' Windows* 95 will configure the secondary IDE controller next, and you will be prompted again to reboot the system. At this prompt, select 'Yes' to reboot. If you selected 'Yes' to the first of the two prompts, a blue screen may show upon rebooting, and a message may appear stating that the system is now running in MS-DOS compatibility mode. To remedy this situation, see 'A1.#4' in the TROUBLESHOOTING section below. 11. If desired, enable the native Microsoft driver's bus mastering capability, which is not enabled by default. NOTE: Unlike the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver, the Microsoft BM-IDE driver relies on the system BIOS to correctly identify each IDE device's maximum transfer mode and configure the device appropriately. As a result, be sure to have the latest system BIOS upgrade installed on your system at all times. Contact your system manufacter to obtain the lastest BIOS upgrade for your system. a) Run START/SETTINGS/CONTROL PANEL b) Run SYSTEM applet. c) Select DEVICE MANAGER tab. d) Select VIEW DEVICES BY TYPE option. e) For each IDE device type (e.g., Disk Drives, CD-ROM) perform the following: - select IDE device entry (e.g., "GENERIC IDE DISK TYPE01") - select PROPERTIES option - select SETTINGS tab - select DMA checkbox (if exists) NOTE: Windows* 98 will display a dialog box entitled 'Unsupported Hardware' when the DMA checkbox is selected. Ignore this message and continue. f) Reboot the system when prompted to do so. g) Reference the following Microsoft website for more info: http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/devdes/idedma.htm **************************************************************************** * 6. IDENTIFYING THE SOFTWARE VERSION NUMBER * **************************************************************************** The driver version can be determined by using Windows* Explorer to read the driver file's properties. NOTE: After installation, the following driver and related files are stored in the following locations: \SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS\IDEATAPI.MPD \SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS\PIIXVSD.VXD \INF\IDEATAPI.INF 1. Under Windows* 95, invoke the "Windows Explorer" application. 2. Select the path containing the driver file. \SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS For example, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS 3. Select the driver file - IDEATAPI.MPD. 4. Open the "File" menu. 5. Select the "Properties" item. 6. Select the "Version" tab. 7. The IDEATAPI.MPD version is listed in the 'Product Version' portion of the dialog. **************************************************************************** * 7. DEVICE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION * **************************************************************************** During initialization, the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver will auto-identify all devices connected to the IDE interface. Depending on the capabilities of the devices connected to the system, the driver will initialize the PIIXn IDE interface for Bus Mastering operation. Only drives identified as bus master capable will be accessed via Direct Memory Access (DMA modes); all other drives will be accessed in a PIO-only fashion. In general, bus mastering is possible for ATA/ATAPI devices (with the exception of tape devices) which support the following DMA timing modes: Single Word DMA Mode 2 Multi-Word DMA Modes 1 or 2 Ultra DMA Modes 0, 1 or 2 These devices will be accessed by the driver via either DMA or PIO accesses, depending on the specific transfer conditions. Devices that do not support the DMA timing modes listed above, or whose PIO timings are faster than their DMA timings, will be accessed in a PIO-fashion ONLY. As mentioned above, all tape devices are accessed in PIO-fashion as well. **************************************************************************** * 8. TROUBLESHOOTING INFORMATION * **************************************************************************** In general, if the system fails to operate reliably, the recommendation is to de-install the driver, and use the native Microsoft IDE driver instead. See the "DE-INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE" section above for de-install information. Q1> There is a yellow mark (!) or question mark (?) next to the primary or secondary IDE controller entry under Device Manager. -OR- The secondary IDE controller instance is missing under Device Manager, yet at least one device is connected to this cable. -OR- After rebooting following the de-istall procedure, a blue-screen shows indicating that the system has been put into compatibility mode. A1> There are several possible causes for this issue: 1. Your CD-ROM drive may need be configured as a slave drive. Please refer to your CD-ROM documentation for assistance. 2. There is a hardware conflict in the system. Only TWO IDE channels are allowed in a system. The driver will not operate on systems that have a non-Intel IDE controller or a sound card with an IDE interface. The driver should not be de-installed on these systems. 3. The system BIOS may not have initialized the 82371xB IDE controller properly. Please contact your system manufacturer to upgrade to the latest BIOS for your system. 4. The system registry may have to be modified: NOTE: This procedure should only be performed by experienced users. a) Run START/RUN, type 'REGEDIT' and select OK b) Off of the My Computer icon, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE c) Select 'System' d) Select 'CurrentControlSet' e) Select 'Services' f) Select 'VxD' g) Select 'IOS' h) On the right-hand-side of the screen, there may be an entry with the name 'NoIDE' - select this entry, and select EDIT/DELETE to remove this entry. i) Restart the system Q2> One or more of the IDE/ATAPI drives on the system fail to perform correctly and/or is not recognized by the driver. A2> Ensure devices on the system are connected according to the manufacturers' documentation. Please make sure that you don't have any non-supported IDE devices or applications installed on the system. Please refer to the release note for supported devices and applications. Q3> The CD-ROM drive fails to perform correctly after the driver has been installed. A3> A conflict between the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver and a DOS real-mode ATAPI CD-ROM device driver may have occurred. This conflict occurs when both the real-mode driver and the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver attempt to access the resources of the PIIXn IDE controller. If the drive fails to operate in the case that there is NO real-mode driver for the device is installed, de-install the driver. Q4> How can I play MS-DOS based CD-ROM games? -OR- I could not access my CD-ROM drive in MS-DOS real mode. A4> Your CD-ROM drive is not available in MS-DOS mode because a CD-ROM real-mode driver is not loaded. The Intel(r) BM-IDE driver is not compatible with real-mode CD-ROM drivers, usually added to the CONFIG.SYS; the real-mode drivers must be REM'd or removed from the CONFIG.SYS in order to use the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver. To workaround this issue, you can create a custom startup configuration that loads CD-ROM real-mode driver. The game will run in exclusive MS-DOS mode using its own MS-DOS configuration. To create a exclusive MS-DOS mode for MS-DOS CD-ROM games: 1. Right-click the game's executable file in My Computer. 2. Click on Properties. 3. Click on Advanced... 4. In the Advanced dialog box, click on MS-DOS mode 5. Select "Specify a new MS-DOS configuration" to edit the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. 6. Please refer to your CD-ROM manual for the proper command line settings of CD-ROM real-mode driver and MSCDEX.EXE in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. 7. Please refer to your game manual for the required system environment settings. *** Sample CONFIG.SYS File *** DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\nec_ide.sys /D:MSCD000 *** Sample AUTOEXEC.BAT *** SET PROMPT=$p$g MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD000 /m:10 Note: For more up-to-date troubleshooting information, please see the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver for Windows* 95 technical support document located on the Intel Website: http://intel.com/support/chipsets/inf_bm.htm **************************************************************************** * 9. RELEASE NOTES * **************************************************************************** The release notes describe the current known state of the Intel(r) BM-IDE Driver for Windows* 95. The release notes are divided into the following sections: 9A. Large IDE fixed disk drive support 9B. Changes included from previous release 9C. Known issues in this release **************************************************************************** * 9A. LARGE IDE FIXED DISK DRIVE SUPPORT * **************************************************************************** Intel recommends that the "auto" mode of disk recognition should be used in most systems' BIOS setup option when installing new disk drives. Some older systems may not support the large disk drives because of BIOS limitations. Users are encouraged to contact their system provider for the system or BIOS upgrade before installing the Intel driver for large drive support. The Intel(r) BM-IDE driver for Windows* 95 supports the following fixed disk geometry translation mechanisms. Do not install the Intel driver if the system does not support them or the drive is not configured to use them. - Standard Cylinder-Head-Sector (CHS) translation in BIOS - Logical Block Addressing (LBA) mode - BIOS Disk Services INT13h, Function 08h to report the drive geometry parameters The Intel(r) BM-IDE driver for Windows* 95 does not support certain disk geometry translation mechanisms. The user should use the default Microsoft Windows* 95 IDE driver if the system uses the following translation mechanisms. - All other BIOS translation schemes not supported by the driver. - Any software translation mechanisms, such as Ontrack Disk Manager*, EZ-Drive*, or master boot record hooking. **************************************************************************** * 9B. CHANGES INCLUDED FROM PREVIOUS RELEASE * **************************************************************************** Changes from release v3.01.0.1 9/2/97: o Added support for CD-R and CD-RW devices o Added support for UDMA CD-ROM devices o Added support for LS-120 devices o Added support for >8.4GB hard disk drives o Added support for DMA-capable system BIOS Int13h routines o Implemented a command parser for all ATA/ATAPI commands from ASPI, to counteract a condition in which the data flow direction was indeterminate o Implemented a feature to flush hard disk drive write cache at system shutdown and occasionally during disk I/O, to prevent data loss in the case the hard disk drive experiences power loss before its write cache has been completely written to disk o Driver now enables multi-block ATAPI CD-ROM transfers o Driver now configures all ATAPI tape drives for their fastest possible PIO mode; the driver no longer configures this device class for DMA transfers o Installer program fixes problem with Windows* 95 enumeration after driver install, prompting user for location of IDEATAPI.MPD file o Installer program allows removal of existing Intel(r) BM-IDE driver under Windows* 98 **************************************************************************** * 9C. KNOWN ISSUES IN THIS RELEASE * **************************************************************************** 1) Full-format of a legacy floppy diskette by LS-120 (SuperDisk) drive may result in a Windows* 95 blue-screen with the following text message: "An exception 0E has occurred at 0028:xxxxxxxx in VxD ---. This was called from 0028:xxxxxxxx in VxD DiskVSD(01) + xxxxxxxx. It may be possible to continue normally." If the floppy diskette must be reformatted, a solution is to format the floppy diskette in a legacy floppy disk drive. Another solution is to de-install the Intel(r) BM-IDE driver, reboot, and use the native Microsoft IDE driver to format the floppy diskette in the LS-120 drive. A different option is to use the 'quick-format' option to clear the floppy's FAT table of all file entries, which is usually the desired action. **************************************************************************** Intel is making no claims of usability, efficacy or warranty. The SOFTWARE USE AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE AGREEMENT completely defines the license and use of the Intel(r) Bus Master IDE Driver for Windows* 95. **************************************************************************** Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. **************************************************************************** * Intel Corporation disclaims all warranties and liabilities for the use * * of this document and the information contained herein, and assumes no * * responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, nor * * does Intel make a commitment to update the information contained herein. * * Intel reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time, * * without notice. * **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** * Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Copyright (c) Intel Corporation, 1995-1998