Unattended Update Release Notes for Windows* 2000 ================================================= Windows 2000 Unattended Update Files: W2KUPDATE.EXE - Update executable W2KUPDATE.TXT - This text file This update package performs unattended software updates under Windows 2000 for the NIC software. W2KUPDATE.EXE can be invoked via command line options. It upgrades the drivers silently by copying the files and updating the registry. W2KUPDATE.EXE, the PnP INF file (NETxxxx.INF) and the associated software must be placed in the same directory. W2KUPDATE.EXE is invoked as follows: W2KUPDATE [-iInfFileName] [-h"HardwareId"] [-u] where: InfFileName = a fully qualified path to the PnP INF This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the current directory is searched for the first NET*.INF to use. HardwareId = is a fully qualified PCI hardware Id for the device to update. E.g. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00098086 This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, all 8086 network devices in the PnP INF file are updated. -u = specifies that the driver should be unloaded and then reloaded. This saves having to either reboot the system or manually disable and then reenable the device to start using the updated driver. This parameter is optional. The default behavior is to not reload the driver. Examples: To update all 8086 network devices in the PnP INF of the current directory W2KUPDATE To update all 8086/1229/8086/1009 devices in the PnP INF of the current directory W2KUPDATE -h"PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10098086" To update all 8086/1229/8086/1009 devices in the NET.INF of the Update directory on drive D: W2KUPDATE -iD:\Update\NET.INF -h"PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10098086" Update results are written to a log file. All updates will take effect when the computer is restarted. * Third party trademarks are property of their owners.