Intel DMI-SNMP Client Instrumentation v1.0.0 ======================================================================= Release Notes ------------------------------------------ This file contains the following sections: - Release contents - Target Environments - Summary of Features - Prerequisites. - Installation instructions - Usage with Applications. - Unsupported features in the Intel DMI-SNMP Client Instrumentation - Reference files / screens Release contents: ================= IntelNDM.nlm - Intel DMI-SNMP Network Device Manager NLM, Version 1.00 Intel_NI.nlm - Intel DMI-SNMP Client Instrumentation NLM, Version 1.00 Intel_NI.mif - Intel DMI-SNMP Client Instrumentation MIF, version 1.0 MIF file. IntelDrv.dat - Intel DMI-SNMP managed Drivers Name and Export Symbols, version 1.0 DAT file. DMI2SNMP.NLM - Intel SNMP Extension module Intel.mib - Intel Master MIB Intelnic.mib - Intel Network Interface Card MIB Target Environments ==================== Novell NetWare* 4.11 Summary of Features ==================== a. Features This release provides the following features: - Supports only Pro 100 and Pro 1000 PCI based Ethernet boards - Has been tested only with the Intel DMI service Provider, HP-OpenView* Network Node Manager 5.0, Intel Deviceview for web and Intel DMI Explorer. - Operating System: Novell NetWare 4.11 b. Attributes Support The following shows what you should expect to see: GROUP ATTRIBUTE SUPPORT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Component ID Manufacturer Yes Product Yes Version No Serial Number No Installation Yes Verification Yes 802 Driver Index Yes Name Yes Version Yes Description Yes Size Yes Interface Yes Interface Ver. Yes Interface Desc. Yes 802 Port Index Yes Permanent addr. Yes Current addr. Yes Connector type Yes Data rate Yes Packets xmitted Yes Bytes xmitted No Packets rcv'd Yes Bytes rcv'd No Xmit errors Yes Receive errors Yes Host errors Yes Network errors Yes Ether Group Number of frames recv'd with checksum errors Yes. Frames received with alignment error Yes. Frames transmitted with one collision Yes. Frames transmitted with more than one collision Yes. Frames transmitted after deferral Yes. Frames not transmitted due to collisions Yes. Frames not received due to overrun Yes. Frames not transmitted due to underrun Yes. SQE Test Errors No. Times carrier sense signal lost Yes. Late collisions detected Yes. Frames received with errors Yes. Ethernet Chip set Yes. Prerequisites: ============== 1. Novell NetWare v4.11 2. Novell NetWare SNMP Master Agent. 3. Intel DMI Service Provider. Please download the Service provider from and follow installation instructions. Note: It is strongly recommended that both NetWare SNMP and Intel DMI Service Provider be installed before installing this package. Installation instructions: ========================== 1. Install the Intel DMI Service provider for NetWare taking extra care to follow the instructions provided with the download. This requires a Windows NT 4.0 station on your network to install from, with your NetWare server mapped as a drive. 2. On the NetWare server load the Install NLM from the command prompt. Select Other Product options and appropriate Source drive e.g A:\dmi-snmp\snmp\nwserver 3. Follow the directions given by the 'Intel DMI-SNMP Client Instrumentation' install from there. Usage with Applications: ========================= 1. With SNMP Agent: - Make sure that NetWare SNMP Agent NLM and Intel DMI Service Provider are installed and configured 2. With SNMP Manager: (HP-Open View etc.) - Load/compile intel.mib and intelnic.mib 3. Use Intel DMI Explorer or any other DMI compliant Management application on the Management Station (any Win32 Client connected to NetWare Server) to access management information. Unsupported features in the Intel DMI-SNMP Client Instrumentation ================================================================== 1. An exclusive Instrumentation directory for placing the NLM files 2. SETS/TRAPS. Screens ======== Screen Name Screen Description ----------- ------------------- Intel DMI-SNMP Network Device Manager Instrumentation Device manager module. Intel DMI-SNMP Client Instrumentation Component Instrumentation layer. Messages ======== You may see the following messages under the specified conditions. Condition: When the Instrumentation is up and running Context 1: Unload a driver managed by the DMI Client Instrumentation Message: Unloading the driver will cause DMI-SNMP Client Instrumentation and Intel DMI-SNMP Network Device Manager not to support queries for its attributes. Context 2: Load a driver managed by the DMI Client Instrumentation Message: You MUST unload Intel DMI-SNMP Network Client Instrumentation and Intel DMI-SNMP Network Device Manager before loading a new LAN driver. If you load the driver anyway, unload and load Instrumentation immediately for SAFE functionality. Do not run queries WITHOUT performing above mentioned steps. Version: 06/01/98