******************************************************************** * INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION * * * * This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement * * or nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be * * copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that * * agreement. * * * * Copyright (c) 2000 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************** Intel(R) PRO Quality of Service (QoS) WMI Provider 1.0 ====================================================== README CONTENTS =============== 1. Overview 2. System Requirements 3. Installation 4. Uninstall Procedure 5. Usage with Applications 6. Supported Standards 7. Known Issues 1. Overview ============ The Intel(R) PRO Quality of Service (QoS) Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Provider is a set of software modules that allow WMI-based management applications to manage the QoS capabilities of Intel(R) PRO network adapters. QoS WMI Provider uses WMI, a kernel-level instrumentation technology for the Microsoft Windows platform. WMI is the middleware layer that allows measurement and instrumentation information to be collected from kernel mode data providers, which is then provided to local or remote user-mode data consumers through the use of a common set of interfaces (Web-based Enterprise Management called WBEM). WMI is a data-independent pipeline between the data consumer and the data provider that makes no assumptions about the format of the data. The QoS WMI Provider lets WMI-aware management applications set up priority filters to process high priority network traffic before normal traffic. By prioritizing traffic at the host or entry point of the network, network devices can base forwarding decisions on priority information defined in the packet. WMI-aware management applications using QoS WMI Provider functionality can configure priority filters on the target system to do the following: - Tag packets with priority levels or forwarding behaviors. - Drop incoming packets that match certain criteria. - Obtain statistics such as number of packets or number of bytes that were tagged with a particular priority. 2. System Requirements ====================== - Any Intel(R) PRO/100 or PRO/1000 Adapter and its related driver software. - Microsoft WMI Core. - Windows* NT4 (SP4) and beyond or Windows 98(SP1 and later) or Windows 95(OSR 2.0 and later) or Windows Millenium or Windows 2000. - For Adapter Teaming features, AFT and ALB support, the latest NDIS drivers on the Intel(R) CD. The WMI Core components are part of the operating system. These pieces are required for a WMI enabled application to work. The QoS WMI Provider supports all Intel PCI PRO/100 and PRO/1000 adapters. 3. Installation =============== To install QoS WMI Provider, click on the setup program found in the "WBEM\WMI\QOS" directory on the Intel CD. WMI Core components must be installed before QoS WMI Provider is installed. If QoS WMI Provider does not find the WMI Core component's registry keys, install fails. If Microsoft WMI Core is not installed, install it and restart the QoS WMI Provider installer. The most recently released version of Microsoft WMI Core can be downloaded from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/sdks/wmi/download.asp 4. Uninstall Procedure ====================== To Uninstall QoS WMI Provider: - From the Control Panel, double click on the Add/Remove Programs icon. - On the Install/Uninstall tab, select "Intel(R) PRO Quality of Service (QoS) WMI Provider (Build 1.0)". - Click the "Add/Remove..." button. 5. Usage with Applications ========================== WMI-based management applications such as WBEM CIM studio and WBEM Object browser in the WMI SDK can be used to access QoS WMI Provider functionality both locally and remotely. This applies to Windows NT 4.0 Systems (SP4 and later) and Windows 2000 systems. On Windows 95/98 or Millenium operating systems however, you must carefully configure client systems to allow remote access of QoS WMI Provider functionality. To do this, you will need to edit the Windows95/98 or Millenium system registry to remotely access QoS WMI Provider functionality on Windows 95/98 or Millenium systems from Windows NT(*). **CAUTION**: Editing the system's registry incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows 95/98 or Millenium. Be very careful when editing the following registry entries. Back up any important data before beginning this process. Be aware that enabling DCOM applications to connect anonymously to your Windows9x or Millenium system may violate your network's security policies. Consult with your system administrator before making these changes. A) Open regedit (Start-Run-regedit) on the Win9x system, and ensure that the following values are set correctly. i) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\OLE\EnableDCOM should be set to its default of "Y". ii) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\OLE\EnableRemoteConnect should be changed to "Y". iii) HKLM\software\microsoft\wbem\cimom\AutostartWin9x should be changed to "2". iv) HKLM\software\microsoft\wbem\cimom\EnableAnonConnections should be changed to "1". v) Restart the Windows9x or Millenium system. B) Log onto the Windows9x or Millenium system remotely from a WindowsNT 4.0 system or a Windows 2000 system using WBEM CIM Studio from the WMI SDK. i) Enter the UNC name of the Windows9x or Millenium system in the "Machine name" box and click "Connect." ii) In the WBEM CIM Studio login window, choose "Options" to see the full set of login choices. iii) Leave "Login as current user" checked. iv) Leave "impersonation level" set to impersonate. v) For "authentication level", choose "None." Click OK. This should allow you to connect to your Windows9x or Millenium system remotely. 6. Supported Standards ====================== The QoS WMI Provider implements the CIM specification that was submitted to DMTF for adoption into CIM 2.4 specification. 7. Known Issues =============== - Under some circumstances, the process winmngt.exe may not start on a Windows 9x or Millenium system. This results in a browsing machine being unable to connect to the Win9x or Millenium machine. The browser (CIM Studio or other) may show an error "the RPC server is unavailable". If pview95.exe shows that winmngt.exe is not executing, double click the file to begin execution. This may be fixed permanently by upgrading to a newer version of the WBEM core. -------------------------------------------------------------- * Other product and corporate names may be trademarks of other companies and are used only for explanation and to the owner's benefit, without intent to infringe. Readme.txt version 04-21-2000