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No Beep Symptoms

  No Beep Symptoms

Symptom/Error    FRU/Action in Sequence
Insert system diskette 1. Ensure that "System Boot Drive" in the "System Security" menu of the
and press <Enter>     BIOS Utility is not set to "Drive A'.
key to reboot. 2. Ensure the diskette drive configuration in the "Basic System Settings"
      menu of the BIOS Utility is not set correctly.
  3. Diskette drive cable
  4. Diskette drive
  5. Hard disk connection board
  6. Hard disk drive
  7. Planar board
No beep, power-on 1. Power source (battery and adapter).
indicator turns off and     See 'Power Systems Check'.
LCD is blank. 2. Ensure every connector is connected tightly and correctly.
  3. Charger board
  4. Battery pack
  5. AC Adapter
  6. Planar board
No beep, power-on 1. Power source (battery and adapter). See 'Power Systems Check'.
indicator turns on and 2. Reconnect the LCD connector
LCD is blank. 3. Charger board
  4. CPU board
  5. Reconnect the DIMM.
  6. Planar board
No beep, power-on 1. Reconnect the LCD connectors.
indicator turns on and 2. LCD inverter ID
LCD is blank. But 3. LCD LVDS board (for 13.3-inch LCD)
you can see POST 4. LCD FPC cable
on an external CRT. 5. LCD inverter
  6. LCD
  7. Planar board
No beep, power-on 1. Ensure every connector is connected tightly and correctly.
indicator turns on and 2. Planar board
a blinking cursor
shown on LCD during POST.
No beep during POST 1. Adjust the audio volume control.
but system runs correctly. 2. Speaker connector
  3. Planar board
      Note: The buzzer is on the planar board.

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