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Ensure Current Backup of RAID Configuration is Available

Ensure Current Backup of RAID Configuration is Available

You should always have a current backup of the RAID configuration, anytime the array changes, you should make another backup. To create this backup, select Backup Config. to Diskette under Advanced Functions on the Main Menu of the RAID Configuration Diskette. You are prompted to enter a filename, the default is CONFIG. IBM recommends that you provide a unique name and backup to a different diskette each time. A unique name ensures that a good backup is not inadvertently overwritten, and a different diskette allows you to write-protect the diskette and keep it in a safe place. NetFinity 4.0 or above also allows you to backup the configuration under the RAID manager.

Have a RAID Configuration Utility Diskette Available

Having a copy of the RAID Configuration Utility Diskette is crucial when working on a RAID system. Ensure that you always have a RAID Configuration Utility Diskette available in close proximity to all RAID systems. Due to possible changes of drive states, the backup RAID configuration stored on the diskette may differ from the current working RAID configuration.

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