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PC ServeRAID 3H Startup Messages

PC ServeRAID 3H Startup Messages

During power-on self-test (POST), the ServeRAID 3H adapter/controller compares the stored configuration information to the configuration that is actually present.
If a discrepancy exists, one or more status messages appear after POST completes but before the operating system loads.


  1.  When the ServeRAID 3H adapter/controller requires your input, a list of function  keys will appear below the message.
  2.  Where the Action  information tells you to start the IBM ServeRAID Configuration  program, insert the IBM ServeRAID Configuration Diskette or CD into the appropriate drive, then,  restart the server. The Action  information also provides general information about the message.

  3.  Where SID  and ch  appear in these messages, SID  shows the  SCSI ID for the device and ch  shows the channel to which the device is attached.

  4.  Where or appears in these messages, a number will appear in the actual message.

The following is a list of messages associated with the ServeRAID subsystem.

Auto rearrange
Explanation: Auto rearrange is enabled or disabled.
Action: This is an information message. No action is required.

Following drives not responding (old state: new state: ch: SID  )
Explanation: One or more drives did not respond to the PC ServeRAID 3H Adapter/Controller. This may occur if configured drives are missing or are not ready.
Where:    old state  is the configured state of the drive.
     new state  is the state that the ServeRAID adapter/controller will assign to the drive.
     ch  is the channel where the drive was located previously.
     SID  is the SCSI ID for where the drive was located previously.

Examples of the possible state changes include:

    Online to Defunct            (ONL: DDD: x: y)
    Ready to Empty               (RDY: EMP: x: y)
    Standby to Empty             (SBY: EMP: x: y)
    Rebuild to Defunct           (RBL: DDD: x: y)
    Hot-Spare to Defunct         (HSP: DHS: x: y)
    Standby Hot-Spare to Defunct (SHS: DHS: x: y)

Action: Press one of the following keys:
F4    Retry. Press this key after correcting a problem. For example, press F4 after
     you turn on the external storage enclosure that contains the hard disk drive.
F5    Accept. Press this key to accept the new state that the ServeRAID adapter/controller
     will assign to the drive. For example, the ServeRAID adapter/controller will assign
     the drive a state of defunct (DDD) or empty (EMP).
   You can also press F5 when you must remove a drive, RAID level-1 and RAID level-5
     logical drives are present, and performance in a degraded mode is acceptable.
     The ServeRAID adapter/controller will assign the drive a state of defunct (DDD), but the
     server can complete startup.
     However, the array will remain in Critical  mode and the potential for
     data loss will exist until you replace and rebuild the defunct drive.
     To prevent the loss of data, replace and rebuild the defunct drive in a timely manner.
   Notes: A hard disk drive in the DDD state does not necessarily mean
     that you need to replace the drive. Before you replace the drive, ensure that:
1. All cables are connected properly to the backplane and to the hard disk drive.
      Also, ensure that all cables inside the server are connected properly.
  2. The hot-swap drive trays are seated properly in the drive bay.
  3. If you have not already attempted to rebuild the drive, try rebuilding it.
   After you perform these steps, if the hard disk drive does not function properly,
     replace the drive.
F10    Continue. Press this key to continue without change to the configuration.

Following new drives found (old state: new state: ch: SID)
Explanation: The ServeRAID adapter/controller detects a new drive that is not part of the current configuration.
Action: This is an information message. No action is required.

-- or --

Following new drives found: (host id: old ch: old SID: new ch: new SID  )

Explanation: New adapter installed in a configured server or drives are imported.
This message might be preceded by the previous two messages and the F5 and F6 key choices because the drives were not found in the configured location.
Appears when the ServeRAID adapter/controller detects that the identifiers of the drives do not match the adapter configuration information.
Where:    host id  identifies the System Name where the ServeRAID adapter/controller resides.
     old ch  is the channel that matches the drive configuration information.
     old SID  is the SCSI ID that matches the drive configuration information.
     new ch  is the channel where the drive is now located.
     new SID  is the SCSI ID where the drive is now located.

For example, when drives are imported from a server with the System Name of My Machine:  (My Machine: 1:6 > 1:10)

In this example, the message indicates that the drive from Channel 1, SCSI ID 6 is now located at Channel 1, SCSI ID 10. The drive might have been physically moved to a new drive bay.

Action: Press one of the following keys:
F4    Retry. Press this key after correcting the problem. For example, press F4 after
     you move the hard disk drive to its previously assigned location, or after you
     install the original hard disk drives back in the server.
F5    Accept. Press this key to accept the new state that the ServeRAID adapter/controller
     will assign to the drive. For example, the ServeRAID adapter/controller will assign
     the drive a state of defunct (DDD) or empty (EMP).
   Notes: A hard disk drive in the defunct state does not necessarily mean
     that you need to replace the drive. Before you replace the drive, ensure that:
1. All cables are connected properly to the backplane or system board, and to the hard
      disk drive. Also, ensure that all cables inside the server are connected properly.
  2. The hot-swap drive trays are seated properly in the drive bay.
  3. If you have not already attempted to rebuild the drive, try rebuilding it.
   After you perform these steps, if the hard disk drive does not function properly,
     replace the drive.
F6    Modify. This choice is not always active. Press this key to modify the configuration
     to match the current drive location.
   You might remove the hot-swap drives from the server for security or maintenance
     reasons. If you replace the drives but install them in different drive bays, you can
     press F6 to accept the new locations, and the ServeRAID adapter/controller
     will update the configuration.
F7    Import. Press this key to import the configuration information from the drive
     and to update the configuration information for the ServeRAID adapter/controller.
     This choice is useful when you replace the ServeRAID adapter/controller in an
     existing ServeRAID subsystem.
   You also might press F7 if you replace a whole set of drives with drives that
     were configured in another server with a ServeRAID adapter/controller.
   Notes: When you install drives in a server that has no logical
     drives defined, the F7 choice will not appear.
     The ServeRAID adapter/controller does not contain any logical drives in its factory
     configuration. Therefore, F7 will not appear.
     In this case, do the following:
1. Restart the server and press Ctrl+I to enter the Mini-Configuration program.
  2. Select Advanced Functions.
  3. Select Import Configuration from Drives to Adapter and follow the instructions
      on the screen.

Controller is not responding to commands. No logical drives are installed.
Explanation: The ServeRAID adapter/controller is not operational.
Action: Reseat the adapter. If problem persists, replace the PC ServeRAID 3H Adapter/Controller.

Error: Cannot disable this adapter BIOS.
Explanation: The ServeRAID adapter/controller was unable to prevent an extra copy of its BIOS code from being stored on the server.
This condition occurs when the server contains multiple ServeRAID adapters or controllers.
Action: This is an information message. No action is required.

Following drives found in new location (old ch: old SID: new ch: new SID  )
Explanation: Configured drives are not in the configured location.
This message will be preceded by the previous messages and the F5 key choice because configured drives were not found in the configured location.
Appears when the ServeRAID adapter/controller detects that a previously configured drive is present, but the drive is in a new location.
   old ch  is the channel that matches the existing drive configuration information.
     old SID  is the SCSI ID that matches the existing drive configuration information.
     new ch  is the channel where the drive is now located.
     new SID  is the SCSI ID where the drive is now located.

For example: (1:5 > 1:14)

In this example, the message indicates that the drive from Channel 1, SCSI ID 5 is now located at Channel 1, SCSI ID 14. The drive might have been physically moved to the new drive bay.

Action: Press one of the following keys:
F4    Retry. Press this key after correcting a problem. For example, press F4
     after you move the hard disk drive to its previously assigned location.
F5    Accept. Press this key to accept the new state that the ServeRAID adapter/controller
     will assign to the drive. For example, the ServeRAID adapter/controller will assign
     the drive a state of defunct (DDD) or empty (EMP).
   Notes: A hard disk drive in the DDD state does not necessarily mean that
     you need to replace the drive. Before you replace the drive, ensure that:
1. All cables are connected properly to the backplane and to the hard disk drive.
      Also, ensure that all cables inside the server are connected properly.
  2. The hot-swap drive trays are seated properly in the drive bay.
  3. If you have not already attempted to rebuild the drive, try rebuilding it.
   After you perform these steps, if the hard disk drive does not function properly,
     replace the drive.
F6    Modify. Press this key to modify the configuration to match the current drive location.
     You might remove the hot-swap drives from the server for security or maintenance reasons.
     If you replace the drives but install them in different drive bays, you can press F6
     to accept the new locations, and the ServeRAID adapter/controller will update the configuration.

Installation stopped.
Explanation: The server cannot access the ServeRAID adapter/controller.
Action: This is a follow-on message to a preceding message. Follow the 'Action' instructions for the preceding message to resolve the problem.

n logical drives are installed.
Explanation: represents the number of defined logical drives.
Action: This is an information message. No action is required.

NVRAM Cache Controller Not Responding
Explanation: BIOS code detected a bad or failed Battery-Backup.
Action: Press F9 to remove the Battery-Backup Cache controller from the configuration, or press F10 to exit without change.

NVRAM Cache Controller Replacement
Explanation: The ServeRAID controller detects that the Battery-Backup Cache controller is defective.
Action: Press F8 if you replaced the Battery-Backup Cache controller, or press F10 if you have not replaced the Battery-Backup Cache controller.

Recoverable configuration error
Explanation: The configuration data stored in NVRAM (Battery-Backup Cache) does not match the configuration data stored in the EEPROM.

  1.  Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart the system.
  2.  Press Ctrl+I during POST to enter the Mini-Configuration program.
  3.  Select Advanced Functions from the Main Menu, then, select Import Configuration from Drive(s).

WARNING: logical drives are critical, logical drives are offline.
Explanation: One or more hard disk drives have failed.
Action: Replace the defunct drives as soon as possible to prevent data loss.

Your server has an error due to a Blocked Logical Drive.
Explanation: One or more logical drives are in a blocked state. A blocked logical drive cannot be accessed.
Action: Press F4 to unblock the logical drive, or press F5 to continue without unblocking.

Unable to communicate with the Controller
Explanation: The adapter/controller is not responding to commands.
Action: Reseat the adapter. If the problem persists, replace the PC ServeRAID 3H Adapter/Controller.

Controller Reg. <x> test failed. Test Number: <y>
Explanation: The adapter or embedded controller failed the register test, where <x> is the register number and <y> is the test number.
Action: Reseat the adapter. If the problem persists, replace the PC ServeRAID 3H Adapter/Controller.

Controller hardware error
Explanation: The adapter/controller is not responding to commands.
Action: Reseat the adapter. If the problem persists, replace the PC ServeRAID 3H Adapter/Controller.

BIOS not loaded no devices found - Installation stopped.
Explanation: The BIOS is unable to find any logical drives attached to any ServeRAID 3H controllers. Therefore the ServeRAID 3H BIOS is not loaded.
Action: Reconnect the cable(s) attaching the hard drives to the adapter and restart the system. If performing a service procedure, reconnect them when told to do so.

Controller Ok, Devices not responding check cables or enclosures.
Explanation: A SCSI connection problem has been detected.
Action: Check all cables and devices attached to the PC ServeRAID 3H Adapter. Look for bent or missing pins on all cables and devices.

Unable to communicate with the following devices. (Channel : SID)
Explanation: Devices at the channel and SCSI ID specified in the message are not responding. The devices may have been removed.
Action: Check that the device(s) are at the location specified. If they are located in an external enclosure, make sure that the external enclosure is powered on.

Download codeblk (via bootblk) is ready.
Explanation: Preparations for the download of the firmware to the adapter/controller are complete.
Action: Insert the BIOS/Firmware Diskette and download the firmware. Restart the system.

Controller is not responding properly - Run Diagnostics.
Explanation: The adapter/controller is not responding appropriately to commands.
Action: Use the ServeRAID DOS Configuration Utility and run the diagnostics.

System PCI BIOS does not respond to commands, no logical drives are installed.
Explanation: The system's PCI BIOS is returning error status in response to calls to it.
Action: Refer to the system's HMM and diagnostics.

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