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PC ServeRAID 3L Ultra SCSI Adapter Error Codes/Messages

PC ServeRAID Adapter 3L Ultra SCSI Error Codes/Messages

The error codes/messages are displayed on the screen in a line of text immediately after the adapter BIOS version.

If POST detects changes in the adapter configuration or detects an adapter hardware problem, messages appear on the screen. Refer to POST (ISPR) Error Procedures and correct the problem.

If there is no POST Error or Configuration Error message, the BIOS screen resembles the sample shown below. Please note that your version may be different from the one shown.

 |                                                                                |
 |                __________________________________                              |
 |                           IBM ServeRAID BIOS                                   |
 |                      Copyright IBM Corp. 1995,1998                             |
 |                       Ver: 3.00.12         08/14/1998                          |
 |                __________________________________                              |
 |     << Press Ctrl+I to access the Mini-Configuration Program. >>               |
 |                                                                                |
 | Initializing ServeRAID Controller 1 in Slot 1.                                 |
 | Power-on self-test can take up to 59 Second(s) - test Passed.                  |
 | Drive configuration can take up to 6 Minute(s) 0 Second(s) - test Passed.      |
 | ServeRAID Firmware Version:2.82.00                                             |
 | No logical drives found, none are installed.                                   |
 | Non-Disk SCSI Devices Found: CD-ROM 0, Tape 0, Removable-media 0, Other 1.     |
 |                                                                                |
 | BIOS not loaded no devices found - Installation stopped.                       |
 |                                                                                |

If there is a POST Error message, the BIOS screen resembles the sample shown below. Refer to POST (ISPR) Error Codes and correct the problem. The characters XXXX indicate the POST (ISPR) error.

 |                                                                                |
 |                __________________________________                              |
 |                           IBM ServeRAID BIOS                                   |
 |                      Copyright IBM Corp. 1995,1998                             |
 |                       Ver: 3.00.12         08/14/1998                          |
 |                __________________________________                              |
 |    << Press Ctrl+I to access the Mini-Configuration Program. >>                |
 | Initializing ServeRAID Controller 1 in Slot 1.                                 |
 | Power-on self-test can take up to 59 Second(s) - test Failed.                  |
 | Controller is not responding properly - Run Diagnostics.                       |
 |                                                                                |
 | Error Code: XXXX-YY                                                            |
 |                                                                                |
 | BIOS not loaded no devices found - Installation stopped.                       |
 |                                                                                |

The BIOS screen below shows Configuration Status and/or Error information. Refer to Drive Configuration Conflict Resolution.

 |                                                                                |
 |                __________________________________                              |
 |                           IBM ServeRAID BIOS                                   |
 |                      Copyright IBM Corp. 1995,1998                             |
 |                       Ver: 3.00.12         08/14/1998                          |
 |                __________________________________                              |
 |    << Press Ctrl+I to access the Mini-Configuration Program. >>                |
 | Initializing ServeRAID Controller 1 in Slot 1.                                 |
 | Power-on self-test can take up to 59 Second(s) - test Passed.                  |
 | Drive configuration-can take up to 6 Minute(s) 0Second(s) - test Failed.       |
 | Controller POST and Config Error Codes: ISPR = EF10 BCS = 09 ECS = 20.         |
 | Following drives not responding(old state: new state: ch SID)                  |
 | (RDY:EMP: 2:0)                                                                 |
 | Your system has a configuration error due to above condition(s).               |
 |                                                                                |
 | Press: F4 - Retry the command                                                  |
 |        F5 - Update Controller configuration to exclude NON-RESPONDING drives   |
 |             Warning:NON-RESPONDING drives will be set to DDD, DHS, or EMP state|
 |        F10 - Exit without change                                               |
 |                                                                                |

Note: Do not replace a PC ServeRAID 3L Adapter or a system board containing an imbedded ServeRAID controller for ServeRAID problems unless replacing the adapter/controller is listed in the Symptom-to-FRU Index.

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