pkgadd -d diskette1
The following prompt appears:
Insert diskette into Floppy Drive 1.
Type (go) when ready,
or (q) to quit: (default: go)
Installation in progress. Do not remove the diskette.
The following packages are available:
1 QLC1020 QLogic QLA1040/1041 IHV HBA
(i386) 1.16
2 QLC1240 QLogic QLA1240/1240D IHV HBA
(i386) 1.0
3 QLC2100 QLogic QLA2100/2100F IHV HBA
(i386) 1.06
Select packages(s) you wish to process (or 'all'
to process all packages). (default: all) (?,??,quit):
When the driver is installed, the following prompt appears:
Installation of QLogic QLA2100/2100F IHV HBA (QLC2100)
was successful.
Insert diskette into Floppy Drive 1.
Type (go) when ready,
or (q) to quit: (default: go)
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