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Beep - No Beep Symptoms

Beep Symptoms

Beeps symptoms are short tones or a series of short tones separated by pauses (intervals without sound).


Beeps example Description
1-2-X One beep
A pause (or break)
Two beeps
A pause (or break)
Any number of beeps
4 Four continuous beeps

Beep Symptom FRU/Action
CMOS read/write error
1. Run Setup
2. System Board
ROM BIOS check error
1. System Board
DMA error
1. System Board
1-3-X 1. Memory Module
2. System Board
1-4-4 1. Keyboard
2. System Board
Error detected in first
64KB of RAM.
1. Memory Module
2. System Board
2-1-1, 2-1-2 1. Run Setup
2. System Board
First 64KB of RAM failed.
1. Memory Module
2. System Board
2-2-2 1. Video Card
2. System Board
First 64KB of RAM failed.
1. Memory Module
2. System Board
2-3-X 1. Memory Module
2. System Board
2-4-X 1. Run Setup
2. Memory Module
3. System Board
DMA register failed.
1. System Board
Keyboard controller failed.
1. System Board
2. Keyboard
Screen initialization failed.
1. Video Adapter
2. System Board
3. Display
Screen retrace test detected
an error.
1. Video Adapter
2. System Board
3. Display
POST is searching for
video ROM.
1. Video Adapter
2. System Board
4 1. Video Adapter
2. System Board
All other beep code sequences. 1. System Board
One long and one short beep during POST.
Base 640KB memory error or shadow RAM error.
1. Memory Module
2. System Board
One long beep and two or three short beeps during POST. (Video error) 1. Display Adapter, if installed.
2. System Board
Three short beeps during POST. 1. See 'System Board Memory'.
2. System Board
Continuous beep. 1. System Board
Repeating short beeps. 1. Keyboard stuck key?
2. Keyboard Cable
3. System Board

No Beep Symptoms 

Symptom/Error FRU/Action
No beep during POST but
computer works correctly.
1. System Board
No beep during POST. 1. See 'Symptom-to-FRU Index
Supplement (Type 8639)'

2. System Board
3. Memory Module
4. Any Adapter or Device
5. Riser Card
6. Power Cord
7. Power Supply

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