Return to MAIN-Index  Return to SUB-Index    IBM-AUSTRIA - PC-HW-Support    30 Aug 1999

Undetermined Failing Processor Diagnostics

Undetermined Failing Processor Diagnostics

If the diagnostics identified a processor failure on a multiprocessor computer but could not identify which processor is failing (the FRU replacement is any processor  in the 'Symptom-to-FRU Index', do the following:
  1.  Power-off the computer and remove all of the installed processors.
  2.  Reinstall one of the processors and run the diagnostics.
  3.  If the processor is good, remove the good processor and follow this procedure for each processor  previously removed from the computer, until you locate the defective processor.
  4.  When you locate the defective processor, replace it and reinstall the remaining processors you  removed from the computer.

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