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Config./View Host Adapter Settings Menu/Options

Configuration/View Host Adapter Settings Menu/Options

 |      AHA-2940/2940W at Bus:Device xx:xxh            |
 |                                                     |
 |Configuration                                        |
 |                                                     |
 |SCSI Channel Interface Definitions                   |
 | Host Adapter SCSI ID .............. 7               |
 | SCSI Parity Checking .............. Enabled         |
 | Host Adapter SCSI Termination ..... Enabled         |
 |Additional Options                                   |
 | SCSI Device Configuration ......... press <Enter>   |
 | Advanced configuration Options .... press <Enter>   |
 |                                                     |
 |       <F6> - Reset to Host Adapter Defaults         |
 |                                                     |
 |Arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select option, |
 |<Esc> to exit (*=default)                            |

Host Adapter SCSI ID 

changes the host adapter SCSI ID from its default value of 7.

 |      AHA-2940/2940W at Bus:Device xx:xxh            |
 |                                                     |
 |                     0                               |
 |                     1                               |
 |                     2                               |
 |                     3                               |
 |                     4                               |
 |                     5                               |
 |                     6                               |
 |                 *   7                               |
 |                                                     |
 |Arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select option, |
 |<Esc> to exit (*=default)                            |

NOTE: The menu for the AHA-2940W adapter displays SCSI IDs #0 to #15

SCSI Parity Checking 

Enables or disables host adapter SCSI parity checking.

 |      AHA-2940/2940W at Bus:Device xx:xxh            |
 |                                                     |
 |                 *   Enabled                         |
 |                     Disabled                        |
 |                                                     |
 |Arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select option, |
 |<Esc> to exit (*=default)                            |

Host Adapter SCSI Termination 

Configures host adapter SCSI termination.
The following menu is displayed if an AHA-2940 adapter is installed.

 |      AHA-2940/2940W at Bus:Device xx:xxh            |
 |                                                     |
 |                 *   Enabled                         |
 |                     Disabled                        |
 |                                                     |
 |Both ends of the SCSI bus should be terminated. Host |
 |Adapter termination should be disabled if you attach |
 |SCSI devices to both internal and external connectors|
 |since the host adapter would then be in the middle   |
 |of the SCSI bus.                                     |
 |                                                     |
 |       Device Connection             | Termination   |
 |       ------------------------------|------------   |
 |       Internal devices only         | Enabled       |
 |       External devices only         | Enabled       |
 |       Internal and External devices | Disabled      |
 |                                                     |
 |Arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select option, |
 |<Esc> to exit (*=default)                            |

The following menu is displayed if an AHA-2940W adapter is installed:

 |      AHA-2940/2940W at Bus:Device xx:xxh            |
 |                                                     |
 |                 *   Low ON  / High ON               |
 |                     Low OFF / High OFF              |
 |                     Low OFF / High ON               |
 |                                                     |
 |Both ends of the SCSI bus should be terminated. Host |
 |Adapter termination should be disabled if you attach |
 |SCSI devices to both internal and external connectors|
 |since the host adapter would then be in the middle   |
 |of the SCSI bus.                                     |
 |                                                     |
 |       Device Connection             | Termination   |
 |       ------------------------------|------------   |
 |       Internal devices only         | Enabled       |
 |       External devices only         | Enabled       |
 |       Internal and External devices | Disabled      |
 |                                                     |
 |Arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select option, |
 |<Esc> to exit (*=default)                            |

SCSI Device Configuration 

allows you to configure certain parameters of each SCSI device on the SCSI bus. If selected, the following information for each SCSI ID is displayed even if some SCSI IDs are not assigned to a device:

 |                                                                               |
 |             SCSI Device Configuration                                         |
 |                                                                               |
 |SCSI Device ID               #0     #1    #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7     |
 |----------------------------------------------------------------------------   |
 |Initiate Sync Negotiation    yes    yes   yes   yes   yes   yes   yes   yes    |
 |Maximum Sync Transfer Rate   10.0   10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0   |
 |Enable Disconnection         yes    yes   yes   yes   yes   yes   yes   yes    |
 |------ Options listed Below Have NO EFFECT if BIOS is Disabled -------------   |
 |Send Start Unit Command      no     no    no    no    no    no    no    no     |
 |Include in BIOS Scan         yes    yes   yes   yes   yes   yes   yes   yes    |
 |                                                                               |
 |Arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select option, <Esc> to exit (*=default) |

NOTE: The menu for the AHA-2940W adapter displays SCSI IDs #0 to #15

determines whether the host adapter initiates synchronous negotiation with the SCSI device. However, the host adapter always responds to synchronous negotiation if the SCSI device initiates it.

NOTE: If Initiate Sync Negotiation is set to yes and the attached SCSI devices do not support synchronous negotiation, the system may operate erratically or hang.

determines the maximum synchronous data transfer rate that the host adapter can support. The host adapter support rates up to the FAST SCSI maximum of 10MB per second. The default value is 10.0. The AHA-2940W has a 16-bit (2-byte) channel that provides an effective maximum synchronous transfer rate of 20.0MB per second (10MB per 8-bit channel). The valid settings are:

 SCSISelect        AHA-2940              AHA-2940W
 Transfer Rate     Effective Transfer    Effective Transfer
                   Rate                  Rate

  10.0             10 MB per second      20 MB per second
   8.0              8 MB per second      16 MB per second
   6.7              6.7 MB per second    13.4 MB per second
   5.0              5.0 MB per second    10.0 MB per second


  1.  In most cases, you can use the maximum value of 10.0. If the host adapter is set not to  negotiate for synchronous data transfer (Initiate Sync negotiation is set to no), the value selected  here is the maximum rate that the host adapter accepts from the device during negotiation.
  2.  Some older SCSI devices do not support Fast SCSI data transfer rates (10.0, 8.0, and 6.7).  This might cause the computer to operate erratically or hang if the transfer rate is set to high. Select  a Maximum Sync Transfer Rate of 5.0 for these devices. If initiate Sync Negotiation is set to yes and the attached SCSI devices do not support synchronous negotiation, the system may operate erratically or hang.

determines whether the host adapter allows a SCSI device to disconnect from the SCSI bus (sometimes called Disconnect/Reconnect), Disconnect/Reconnect allows the host adapter to perform other operations on the SCSI bus while the SCSI device is temporarily disconnected.

NOTE: You should leave Enable Disconnection set to yes if two or more SCSI devices are connected to the host adapter. This optimizes SCSI bus performance. If only one SCSI device is connected to the SCSI adapter, set Enable Disconnection to no for optimum performance.

is supportedby some SCSI devices and determines wheter the Start Unit command (SCSI command 1B) is sent to the SCSI device (most devices do not require this). Enabling this option reduces the load on the power supply by allowing the host adapter to power-on SCSI devices one at a time when you boot the computer.
Otherwise, the devices require that you set a jumper before they can respond to this command. If this option is enabled for more than one SCSI device, the Start Unit Command is sent first to the SCSI device with the lowest SCSI ID. After this device responds to the host adapter, the Start Unit Command is sent to the next highest SCSI ID with a setting of yes. The default setting is no.

NOTE: The Send Start Unit command is valid only if the host adapter BIOS is enabled.

determines wheter the host adapter BIOS supports devices attached to the SCSI bus without the need for device driver software.
When set to yes, the host adapter BIOS controls the SCSI device. When set to no, the host adapter BIOS does not search the SCSI ID for devices to control and device driver software is needed to control the SCSI device. The default setting is yes.

NOTE: The host adapter BIOS must be enabled for this setting to be valid.

 |                                                                               |
 |             Advanced Configuration Options                                    |
 |                                                                               |
 |  Reset Bus at Host Adapter Initialization ........................ Enabled    |
 |                                                                               |
 |-------Options Listed Below Have NO EFFECT if the BIOS is Disabled ----------- |
 |                                                                               |
 |  Host Adapter BIOS (Configuration Utility Reserves BIOS) ......... Enabled    |
 |  Support Removable Disk Under BIOS as Fixed Disks ................ Enabled    |
 |  Extended BIOS Translation for DOS Drivers > 1 GByte ............. Enabled    |
 |  BIOS Support for More Than 2 Drives (MS-DOS (R) 5.0 and above) .. Enabled    |
 |                                                                               |
 |Arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select option, <Esc> to exit (*=default) |

NOTE: Do not change these file options unless absolutely necessary.

allows you to enable or disable a SCSI bus reset generated by the host adapter during its power-on initialzation and after a hard reset. If enabled, the SCSI bus resets the first time the host adapter is initialzed. If the host adapter BIOS is enabled, the BIOS resets the SCSI bus, then waits two seconds before scanning the bus for SCSI devices. If Reset SCSI Bus at Host Adapter Initialization is disabled, there is no two-second delay. The default setting is enabled.

NOTE: Normally, SCSI Bus Reset at Host Adapter Initialization should always be enabled.

enables or disables the host adapter BIOS. The default setting is Enabled.

NOTE: The host adapter must be enabled for the computer to boot from a SCSI hard disk drive connected to the host adapter.

The following SCSISelect  options cannot be used unless the host adapter BIOS is enabled:

- Support Removable Disks Under BIOS as Fixed Disks
- Extended BIOS Translation for DOS Drives > 1 GByte
- BIOS Support for More Than 2 Drives
- Send Start Unit SCSI Commands
- Include In BIOS Scan

allows you to control which removable-media drives are supported by the host adapter BIOS. It is only valid if the host adapter BIOS is enabled. The default settings is Boot Only. The following choices are available:

NOTE: Support for removable-media drives means only that the host adapter BIOS allows you to use a removable-media drive as if where a hard disk drive. If you remove the media while the drive is powered-on, data may be lost. If you want to be able to remove the media while the drive is powered-on, install the removable-media device driver and set this option to Disabled.

allows you to enable or disable extended translation for SCSI hard disk drives with a capacity greater than 1GB. It is only valid if the BIOS is enabled. The default setting is Enable. If this option is enabled, the following translation schemes are used:

allows you to enable or disable BIOS support for more than two and up to eight SCSI hard disk drives. The host adapter BIOS must be enabled. This feature is supported by DOS 5.0 and above. The default setting is Enable.

 |      AHA-2940/2940W at Bus:Device xx:xxh            |
 |                                                     |
 |        Select SCSIDisk and press <Enter>            |
 |                                                     |
 |  SCSI ID# 1 : Quantum P140S 940-40-94xx             |
 |  SCSI ID# 2 : No Device                             |
 |  SCSI ID# 3 : SyQuest SQ 5110                       |
 |  SCSI ID# 4 : No Device                             |
 |  SCSI ID# 5 : No Device                             |
 |  SCSI ID# 6 : No Device                             |
 |  SCSI ID# 7 : AHA-2940/2940W                        |
 |                                                     |
 |Arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select option, |
 |<Esc> to exit (*=default)                            |

NOTE: The menu for the AHA-2940W adapter displays SCSI IDs #0 to #15

When you select SCSI Disk Utilities from the Options menu, the SCSISelect  utility scans the SCSI bus and lists all SCSI devices installed on the SCSI bus. When you highlight a device by moving to it with the cursor keys and pressing Enter, a small window appears. You can select Format Disk or Verify Media from this menu.

Format Disk  : performs a low-level format on disk devices.

NOTE: A low-level format destroys all data on the drive. Be sure to back up all data before performing this operation. You cannot abort a low-level format once it is started.

Most SCSI disk devices are pre-formatted and do not need to be fornatted again. The Adaptec Format Disk utility is compatible with most SCSI disk drives. Run it on hard disk drives or removable-media drives that where previouly used with non-Adaptec host adapters.
Verify Disk Media  : scans the selected device's media for defects.

NOTE: Press Esc at any time to abort the Verify Disk Media utility.

If this utility finds bad blocks, it prompts you to reassign them. If you select yes, the blocks will no longer be used.

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