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Power Supply to Power Distribution Board Interface (8650)

Power Supply to Power Distribution Board Interface
  1.  J1, power to lower SCSI hard drive backplane
  2.  J2, power to upper SCSI hard drive backplane
  3.  J3, +5.1 Vdc and +12 Vdc power to system peripherals
  4.  J4, +5.1 Vdc and +12 Vdc power to system peripherals
  5.  J5, +5.1 Vdc and +12 Vdc power to diskette drives
  6.  J6, power to J9 on system board
  7.  J12 and 13, fan connectors
  8.  J10, I²C connector
  9.  J11, power control signal to J11 system on system board
  10.  J7, power to J10 on system board

11, 12, 13 J9A, J9B, J9C, DC power connections from supply

Pin Position Description
1, 6 Ground
7 +3.3 Vdc
8 +12 Vdc
9 -12 Vdc
10 -5 Vdc
11, 12 +5.1 Vdc
13, 17 Ground
18, 19 +3.3 Vdc
20, 21 +12 Vdc
22, 24 +5.1 Vdc

11, 12, 13 J8A, J8B, J8C, Power control and status signals from supply

Pin Position Description
1 +5 Vdc remote sense (+)
2 +12 Vdc remote sense (+)
3 +3.3 Vdc remote sense (+)
4 Ground remote sense (-)
5 +5 Vdc load share
6 +12 Vdc load share
7 +3.3 Vdc load share
9 Vbias
10 +5 V standby
12 Ground
13 Power good
14, 15 NC

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