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How is the S3 video refresh rate under Windows NT changed

PROBLEM - How is the S3 refresh rate under Windows NT changed?

Machines AFFECTED - All 6382/S, 6384/D, and 6387/T's with Windows NT.

  1.   ) Load Windows NT
  2.   ) Double click on the MS DOS icon
  3.   ) Type "START REGEDT32" and press ENTER
  4.   ) Select the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" child window
  5.   ) Double click on the "SYSTEM" branch
  6.   ) Double click on the "CURRENTCONTROLSET" branch
  7.   ) Double click on the "SERVICES" branch
  8.   ) Double click on the "S3" branch
  9.   ) Double click on the "DEVICE0" branch
  10.   ) Default setting will now be shown on the right hand portion of the  window
  11.   ) Search the window for the "DEFAULTSETTINGS.VREFRESH : REG_DWORD : 0xnn"  where nn is the refresh rate value
  12.   ) To change the refresh rate, double click on the text which says  "DEFAULTSETTINGS.VREFRESH : REG_DWORD : 0xnn". this line should bring up  a dialog box.
  13.   ) Enter the new refresh rate in the text box
  14.   ) Choose whether the number is binary, decimal, or hex.

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