FRU P/N : defines a Field Replaceable Unit - part number (Spare Part).
This is the smallest part a technician is allowed/can replace.
If you order a FRU P/N, the FRU package will be shipped without any supporting material.
- If you order SIMM memory, and use the OPT P/N - you may receive two SIMMs
(depends on the processor/machine type, for which the SIMM has been designed,
e.g. 64MB SIMM OPTION memory = 2x 32MB SIMMs.)
Otherwise if you use the FRU P/N, only one SIMM will be received (1x 32MB), this is because
a FRU is defined for repair actions, and normally, two SIMMs at the same time will not be defect.
- If you order a PCMCIA modem-card and use the FRU P/N,
you will not receive any cable, adapter, software and setup/installation manual with this FRU package.
RULE for FRU P/Ns - a FRU-part should/cannot be used for machine/option upgrades.