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==View or Print jumper settings using Fixedsys or New Courier fonts==

CHICONY CH-471B Ver:1.0 486 VESA Motherboard

        - BIOS ID string  09/08/94-sis-85c471B/E/G-2C419C21-00
        - 4-72 pin SIMM slots  (1-128meg FPM DRAM)
        - 2-32bit VESA Local Bus slots
        - 7-16bit ISA slots
        - 32k-1024k CACHE support in 8-32pin sockets + 1 TAG RAM socket
        - AWARD Auto-Detect Flash Bios with Energy Mgmt.
        - Supports LBA Mode Control + Large Disk DOS Compatibility.
        - Green PC Connector
        - SiS 85C471 (9507) chipset
        - Supports 3.3/5volt CPU's
        - ZIF CPU socket which supports these processors:
          INTEL 80486DX/DX2/DX4,P24D,P24T
          CYRIX CX486S(M6),CX486DX/DX2(M7)
          AMD AM486DX/DX2/DX4, and possibly AMD486DX4-S MPUs
        - Supports speeds of 25/33/40/50/66/75/100 MHz.
        - Bus master IDE interface for upto 4 IDE devices.
        - Multi-I/O chip supports 2 - 16550 Fast UART serial ports
          1 - parallel port with EPP + ECP, 1 - floppy disk interface.
        - manufactured by: CHICONY INC.
        - websites:
        - VESA local bus drivers are available as DRIVERS.ARJ 81k archive.


Green PC connector      J1, J19         Reset switch            J13
Floppy drive            J4              Turbo switch            J14
Serial ports            J7, J5          Turbo LED               J15
IDE interface (ISA)     J10             Speaker                 J16
IDE interface (VL)      J6              Power LED/key           J18
IDE interface LED       J12             Voltage connect         P4
Game interface          J8
Parallel                J9
External battery        J11

CMOS memory normal                      JP1     1-2 (default :-)
CMOS clear                              JP1     2-3
Floppy drive interface enabled          JP6     1-2
   "     "       "    disabled          JP6     2-3
IDE interface enabled (ISA)             JP7     1-2
 "      "    disabled (ISA)             JP7     2-3
IDE interface enabled (VL)              JP38    1-2
 "      "    disabled (VL)              JP38    2-3
Game port enabled                       JP10    1-2
Game port disabled                      JP10    2-3
Floppy address 3F0 - 3F7                JP11    2-3 (default)
Floppy address 370 - 377                JP11    1-2
ISA IDE address 170                     JP12    1-2 (default)
ISA IDE address 1F0                     JP12    2-3
ISA IDE IRQ15                           JP32    1-2 (default)
ISA IDE IRQ14                           JP32    2-3
Parallel IRQ7                           JP30    2-3 (default)
Parallel IRQ5                           JP30    1-2
Factory setting                         JP44    ??? (help)

                           DRAM CONFIGURATION
Size      Bank 0            Bank 1            Bank 2           Bank   3
8MB       (1)256K x 36      (1)256K x 36      (1)512K x 36     (1)1M x 36
8MB       (1)512K x 36      (1)512K x 36      (1)1M x 36       NONE
8MB       (1)1M x 36        (1)1M x 36        NONE             NONE
8MB       (1)2M x 36        NONE              NONE             NONE
10MB      (1)256K x 36      (1)256K x 36      (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36
12MB      (1)512K x 36      (1)512K x 36      (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36
12MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)1M x 36        (1)1M x 36       NONE
18MB      (1)256K x 36      (1)256K x 36      (1)4M x 36       NONE
16MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)1M x 36        (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36
16MB      (1)2M x 36        (1)2M x 36        NONE             NONE
16MB      (1)4M x 36        NONE              NONE             NONE
17MB      (1)256K x 36      (1)4M x 36        NONE             NONE
18MB      (1)512K x 36      (1)4M x 36        NONE             NONE
20MB      (1)512K x 36      (1)512K x 36      (1)4M x 36       NONE
20MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)4M x 36        NONE             NONE
24MB      (1)512K x 36      (1)512K x 36      (1)1M x 36       (1)  4M x 36
24MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)1M x 36        (1)4M x 36       NONE
24MB      (1)2M x 36        (1)2M x 36        (1)2M x 36       NONE
32MB      (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36        NONE             NONE
32MB      (1)2M x 36        (1)2M x 36        (1)2M x 36       (1)2M x 36
32MB      (1)8M x 36        NONE              NONE             NONE
36MB      (1)512K x 36      (1)512K x 36      (1)4M x 36       (1)4M x 36
36MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36       NONE
36MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)8M x 36        NONE             NONE
40MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)1M x 36        (1)4M x 36       (1)4M x 36
40MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)1M x 36        (1)8M x 36       NONE
48MB      (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36       NONE
48MB      (1)4M x 36        (1)8M x 36        NONE             NONE
64MB      (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36       (1)4M x 36
64MB      (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36        (1)8M x 36       NONE
64MB      (1)16M x 36       NONE              NONE             NONE
64MB      (1)8M x 36        (1)8M x 36        NONE             NONE
65MB      (1)256K x 36      (1)16M x 36       NONE             NONE
68MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)16M x 36       NONE             NONE
68MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)8M x 36        (1)8M x 36       NONE
72MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)1M x 36        (1)8M x 36       (1)8M x 36
72MB      (1)1M x 36        (1)1M x 36        (1)16M x 36      NONE
80MB      (1)4M x 36        (1)16M x 36       NONE             NONE
80MB      (1)4M x 36        (1)8M x 36        (1)8M x 36       NONE
96MB      (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36        (1)8M x 36       (1)8M x 36
96MB      (1)8M x 36        (1)8M x 36        (1)8M x 36       NONE
96MB      (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36        (1)16M x 36      NONE
128MB     (1)8M x 36        (1)8M x 36        (1)8M x 36       (1)8M x 36
128MB     (1)16M x 36       (1)16M x 36       NONE             NONE


Size    JP21    JP22    JP23    JP24    JP25    JP26    JP27    JP28
32K     1-2     1-2     1-2     1-2     2-3     2-3     2-3     2-3
64K     2-3     1-2     2-3     2-3     2-3     2-3     2-3     1-2
128K    1-2     2-3     1-2     1-2     2-3     2-3     1-2     1-2
256K    2-3     2-3     2-3     2-3     2-3     1-2     1-2     1-2
512K    1-2     2-3     1-2     1-2     1-2     1-2     1-2     1-2
1024K   2-3     2-3     2-3     2-3     1-2     1-2     1-2     1-2


CPU Type                JP39           JP42    JP45    JP46
CX486S/DX/DX2      7-8,9-10,11-12      open    open    open 
80486SX                 open           open    2-3     2-3
SL80486SX/SX2      7-8,9-10,11-12      open    1-2     2-3
AM486DX/DX2             open           open    2-3     2-3    
80486DX/DX2             open           open    2-3     2-3
SL80486DX/DX2      7-8,9-10,11-12      open    1-2     2-3
80486DX4           7-8,9-10,11-12      open    1-2     2-3    
P24D/P24T          7-8,9-10,11-12      open    open    open

CPU Type                JP47    JP48    JP49    JP53    JP54
CX486S/DX/DX2           open    open    open    closed  2-3
80486SX                 2-3     2-3     2-3     open    2-3
SL80486SX/SX2           2-3     2-3     2-3     closed  2-3
AM486DX/DX2             2-3     2-3     2-3     open    2-3
80486DX/DX2             2-3     2-3     2-3     open    2-3
SL80486DX/DX2           2-3     2-3     2-3     closed  2-3
80486DX4                2-3     2-3     2-3     closed  1-2
P24D/P24T               open    open    open    closed  2-3


CPU type                JP19    JP20
Intel/AMD               1-2     2-3
CYRIX                   2-3     1-2
Intel P24D/P24T         1-2     1-2

CPU type                JP40    JP41    JP55
80487SX               1-2,3-4   2-3     open
80486SX/CX M6/UMC U5S   2-3     open    open
CX M7                 1-2,3-4   1-2     closed
Intel/AMD/Cyrix       1-2,3-4   1-2     open


CPU speed       JP36    JP37
25MHz           open    open
33MHz           closed  closed
40MHz           open    closed
50MHz           closed  open
50iMHz          open    open
66iMHz          closed  closed
75iMHz          open    open
100iMHz         closed  closed

CPU multiplier  JP50
        2x              2-3
        2.5x            1-2
        3x              open

CPU voltage             P3
3.3v               1-2,4-5,6-7 
5v                 2-3,5-6,8-9

VESA wait state JP52
0 wait state            open
1 wait state            closed

BUS speed               JP52
<= 33MHz                open
>  33MHz                closed


         ( Serial Port 1 )       ( Serial Port 2 )
Port Address    JP2     JP3             JP4     JP5
3F8             1-2     1-2             1-2     1-2
2F8             1-2     2-3             1-2     2-3
3E8             2-3     1-2             2-3     1-2
disabled        2-3     2-3             2-3     2-3

COM1            COM2            JP29
IRQ3            IRQ4            1-2,3-4
IRQ4            IRQ3            1-3,2-4

Parallel Address        JP8     JP9
378                     1-2     2-3
278                     1-2     1-2
3BC                     2-3     1-2
disabled                2-3     2-3

Floppy select   JP17    JP18
all floppy types        1-2     1-2
2.88mb only             2-3     2-3


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