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==View or Print jumper settings using Fixedsys or New Courier fonts==

BIOSTAR MB-1433AEA-V 486 VESA Motherboard

        - BIOS ID string   40-0100-001223-00101111-121291-b82c3480-f
        - 8-30 pin SIMM slots  (1-32meg FPM DRAM)
        - 7-16bit ISA slots
        - 2-32bit VESA Local Bus slots
        - 64k-256k CACHE support in 8-28pin sockets + 1 TAG RAM socket
        - AMI 1992 Bios
        - DALLAS Real Time Clock
        - BIOTEQ 82C3480/82C3490 Chipset 
        - Supports 80486SX/80487SX/80486DX/80486DX2 at 25/33/40/50/66MHz
        - Manufactured by: BIOSTAR Microtech International Corp
        - Website


Monitor type monochrome                 JP14    1-2
Monitor type colour                     JP14    2-3
Clock Chip type 146818                  JP11    open
Clock Chip type Dallas 1287             JP11    closed
CMOS normal                             JP16    2-3
CMOS clear                              JP16    1-2
7 bit TAG RAM                           JP6     1-2
8 bit TAG RAM                           JP6     2-3
CPU PQFP installed                      JP22    1-2
CPU PGA installed                       JP22    2-3
VESA Bus clock Asynchronous             JP26    1-2
VESA Bus clock Synchronous mode         JP26    2-3


Cache   Max Cachable    Bank 0          Bank 1          TAG
64K        8MB          4 - 8kx8        4 - 8kx8        1 - 8kx8
128K       16MB         4 - 32kx8       none            1 - 8kx8
256K       32MB         4 - 32kx8       4 - 32kx8       1 - 32kx8

Cache           JP12            JP19
64K             open            1-2
128K            1-2,3-4         2-3
256K            closed          1-2


CPU Select              JP13            JP20
80486SX                 open            1-2
80487SX                 1-2             2-3
ODP486SX                1-2             2-3
80486DX                 2-3             2-3
80486DX2                2-3             2-3


CPU Speed       JP5     JP10    JP23    JP24
25MHz           2-3     open    open    open
33MHz           2-3     open    closed  open
40MHz           1-2     closed  open    closed
50iMHz          2-3     open    open    open
50MHz           1-2     closed  open    open
66iMHz          2-3     open    closed  open


VESA Wait States        JO2
0 wait state            1-2
1 wait state            2-3


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