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==View or Print jumper settings using Fixedsys or New Courier fonts==

--------FOREX 486 (Rev VL3M)--------------------------------------------

General specification

        - AMI BIOS ID string   40-P301-001437-072594-DGREEN-H
        Two-third of the baby AT size board (220mm x 260mm)
        Supports Intel 486(and 487)SX/20/25/33, 486DX/25/33/40/50,
        486DX2/50/66 and P24T CPUs
        Uses Forex486 -FR46C521A Chipset
        Supports up to 32 Meg RAM (4 x 30 pin and 2 x 72 pin slots)
        Supports 256k, 1M, 4M, 8M, 16M and 32M SIMMs
        Supports Shadow RAM for system, adaptor and video BIOS
        Three VESA local bus atandard slots
        Four 16 bit AT bus slots
        Standard reset, keylock, speaker and turbo LED connectors
        AMI BIOS
        - Manufactured by: FOREX Computer Group

Jumper settings

CPU Selection (JP8, JP9, JP10, JP11 and JP12)

        Open    CX486DX
        Closed  CX486DX2

        1-2     P24T
        2-3     486

        1-2     486DX/DX2/487SX/P23T/P24T PGA
        2-3     486SX PGA

        1-2     486SX PGA
        2-3     486DX/DX2/487SX/P23T/P24T PGA

        1-2     486SX/487SX/P23T PGA
        2-3     486DX/DX2/P24T PGA

        JP21 close to clear CMOS

Board Clock (JP3, JP4 and JP5)

        JP3     JP4     JP5     Clock
        OFF     ON      ON      20MHz
        ON      OFF     ON      25MHz
        ON      ON      OFF     33MHz
        OFF     OFF     ON      40MHz
        OFF     ON      OFF     50MHz

Cache memory (JP6, JP7, JP13 and JP14)

        Size    JP6     JP7     JP13    JP14    Bank0   Bank1   Tag
        64k     Open    Open    2-3     2-3     8k      8k      8k
        128k    2-3     1-2     1-2     2-3     32k     x       8k
        256k    2-3     2-3     1-2     2-3     32k     32k     16/32k
        256k    2-3     1-2     1-2     2-3     64k     x       16/32k

Local bus high speed wait selection

        1-2     0ws (<=33MHz)
        2-3     1ws (>33MHz)

Local bus high speed clock selection

        1-2     <=33MHz
        2-3     >33MHz

        Open    ASYNC
        Closed  SYNC

--------End of FOREX 486 (Rev VL3M)-------------------------------------

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