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==View or Print jumper settings using Fixedsys or New Courier fonts==

J-403TG 486 GREEN VLB (V2.0) Motherboard

	- BIOS ID string  ????????????      <----- (please send yours in)
	- AMI BIOS ID string  40-0100-001276-00101111-072594-OPTI895-U
	- 3-72 pin SIMM slots  (1-128meg FPM DRAM)
	- 4-30 pin SIMM slots
	- 3-32bit VESA Local Bus slots
	- 6-16bit ISA slots
	- 2-8bit ISA clot
	- 64k-256k CACHE support in 8-32pin sockets + 1 TAG RAM socket
	- AMI BIOS 1994 American Megatrends 486DX ISA
	- Green PC Connectors
	- OPTI 82C895 94521E Chipset
	- CPU socket which supports these processors:
	  INTEL 80486SX/DX/DX2/DX4, SL80486SX/DX/DX2
	  CYRIX CX486DX/DX2(M7)
	- Supports speeds of 25/33/40/50/66/100 MHz.
	- manufactured by: JETWAY

Purpose              Location      Purpose                  Location
Turbo switch            J1         External battery 4-6volt J6 pin1+ pin4-
Reset switch            J2         Green PC connector         JP16
Speaker                 J3         Green PC (monitor)         JP19
Power LED + keylock     J4         Green PC LED               JP20
Turbo LED               J5         32-bit VESA local bus    SLl - SL3

                      USER CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS
Function                             Label          Position
CMOS memory normal operation          JP15       Pins 2 + 3 closed
CMOS memory clear                     JP15       Pins 1 + 2 closed

           (please send in the following data please)
(its possible these are hardwired if present at all, sorry no info)
Jumper information  unavailable       JP2           Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP3           Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP4           Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP6           Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP11          Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP14          Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP29          Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP30          Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP37          Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP39          Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP40          Unidentified
Jumper information  unavailable       JP51          Unidentified

                             DRAM CONFIGURATION
  Size          Bank 0         Bank 1          Bank 2           Bank 3
2MB  (A)     (4)256K x 9     (1)256K x 36       None             None
2MB  (B)         None        (1)512K x 36       None             None
4MB  (A)      (4)1M x 9         None            None             None
4MB  (B)         None        (1)1M x 36         None             None
4MB  (C)     (4)256K x 9     (1)256K x 36     (1)256K x 36     (1)256Kx36
4MB  (D)         None        (1)512K x 36     (1)512K x 36       None
5MB          (4)256K x 9     (1)1M x 36         None             None
6MB  (A)     (4)256K x 9     (1)256K x 36     (1)1M x 36         None
6MB  (B)         None        (1)512K x 36     (1)1M x 36         None
8MB  (A)      (4)1M x 9      (1)1M x 36         None             None
8MB  (B)         None        (1)2M x 36         None             None
8MB  (C)         None        (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36         None
10MB (A)     (4)256K x 9     (1)256K x 36     (1)2M x 36         None
10MB (B)     (4)256K x 9     (1)256K x 36     (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36
10MB (C)         None        (1)512K x 36     (1)2M x 36         None
10MB (D)         None        (1)512K x 36     (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36
12MB (A)      (4)1M x 9         None          (1)2M x 36         None
12MB (B)         None        (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36
12MB (C)      (4)1M x 9         None          (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36
16MB (A)      (4)4M x 9         None            None             None
16MB (B)         None        (1)4M x 36         None             None
16MB (C)      (4)1M x 9      (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36       (1)1M x 36
16MB (D)         None        (1)2M x 36       (1)2M x 36         None
17MB         (4)256K x 9     (1)4M x 36         None             None
20MB (A)      (4)1M x 9      (1)4M x 36         None             None

                          DRAM CONFIGURATION (CON'T)
   Size        Bank 0          Bank 1            Bank 2         Bank 3
20MB  (B)     (4)1M x 9         None            (1)4M x 36       None
20MB  (C)        None         (1)1M x 36        (1)4M x 36       None
32MB  (A)     (4)4M x 9       (1)4M x 36          None           None
32MB  (B)        None         (1)8M x 36          None           None
32MB  (C)     (4)4M x 9         None            (1)4M x 36       None
32MB  (D)        None         (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36       None
64MB  (A)     (4)16M x 9         None             None           None
64MB  (B)        None         (1)16M x 36         None           None
64MB  (C)     (4)4M x 9       (1)4M x 36        (1)4M x 36     (1)4M x 36
64MB  (D)        None         (1)8M x 36        (1)8M x 36       None
128MB (A)     (4)16M x 9      (1)16M x 36         None           None
128MB (B)        None         (1)32M x 36         None           None
128MB (C)     (4)16M x 9         None           (1)16M x 36      None
128MB (D)        None         (1)16M  x 36      (1)16M x 36      None

                     DRAM JUMPER  CONFIGURATION
   Size                         JP18
2MB    (A)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
2MB    (B)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
4MB    (A)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
4MB    (B)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
4MB    (C)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
4MB    (D)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
    5MB                    Pins 1 + 2 closed
6MB    (A)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
6MB    (B)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
8MB    (A)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
8MB    (B)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
8MB    (C)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
10MB   (A)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
10MB   (B)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
10MB   (C)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
10MB   (D)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
12MB   (A)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
12MB   (B)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
12MB   (C)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
16MB   (A)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
16MB   (B)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
16MB   (C)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
16MB   (D)                 Pins 2 + 3 closed
  17MB                     Pins 1 + 2 closed
20MB   (A)                 Pins 1 + 2 closed
20MB  (B)                  Pins 1 + 2 closed
20MB  (C)                  Pins 2 + 3 closed
32MB  (A)                  Pins 1 + 2 closed
32MB  (B)                  Pins 2 + 3 closed
32MB  (C)                  Pins 1 + 2 closed
32MB  (D)                  Pins 2 + 3 closed
64MB  (A)                  Pins 1 + 2 closed
64MB  (B)                  Pins 2 + 3 closed
64MB  (C)                  Pins 1 + 2 closed
64MB  (D)                  Pins 2 + 3 closed
128MB (A)                  Pins 1 + 2 closed
128MB (B)                  Pins 2 + 3 closed
128MB (C)                  Pins 1 + 2 closed
128MB (D)                  Pins 2 + 3 closed

                      CACHE CONFIGURATION
  size            Bank 0               Bank 1              TAG
  64KB            (4) 8K x 8         (4) 8K x 8         (1) 8K x 8
  128KB          (4) 32K x 8              None          (1) 8K x 8
256KB (A)        (4) 32K x 8         (4) 32K x 8        (1) 32K x 8
256KB (B)        (4) 32K x 8         (4) 32K x 8        (1) 16K x 8

  Size           JP34        JP35         JP36         JP38
  64KB           1 + 2       Open         Open         2 + 3
  128KB          1 + 2       Closed       Open         1 + 2
256KB (A)        1 + 2       Closed       Closed       2 + 3
256KB (B)        2 + 3       Closed       Closed       2 + 3

                  CPU SPEED SELECTION (AV-9107-03)
Speed        JP9         JP21       JP22         JP23         JP24
25MHz        1 + 2       Open       Closed       Open         Closed
33MHz        1 + 2       Open       Closed       Closed       Open
4OMHz        1 + 2       Open       Open         Open         Closed
5OiMHz       1 + 2       Open       Closed       Open         Closed
66iMHz       1 + 2       Open       Closed       Closed       Open
1OOiMHz      1 + 2       Open       Closed       Closed       Open

                   CPU SPEED SELECTION (SC468)
Speed       JP9       JP21      JP22        JP23        JP24
25MHz       Open      Open      Open        Open        Open
33MHz       Open      Open      Closed      Closed      Open
40MHz       Open      Open      Open        Closed      Open
50iMHz      Open      Open      Open        Open        Open
66!MHz      Open      Open      Closed      Closed      Open
100iMHz     Open      Open      Closed      Closed      Open

                           CPU TYPE SELECTION
Type            JP1         JP1O       JP12      JP13       JP26
80486SX         Open        Open       Open      Open       Open
SL80486SX       Closed      Open       Open      Open       Open
80486DX         Open        Open       Open      Open       1 + 2
SL80486DX       Closed      Open       Open      Open       1 + 2
CX M7           Open        1 + 2      Open      2 + 3      1 + 2
CX M72          Open        1 + 2      Open      2 + 3      1 + 2
80486DX2        Open        Open       Open      Open       1 + 2
SL80486DX2      Closed      Open       Open      Open       1 + 2
80486DX4        Closed      Open       Open      1 + 2      1 + 2

                          CPU TYPE SELECTION (CON'T)
Type                JP27         JP28       JP31       JP32        JP33
80486SX             2 + 3        1 + 2      Open       Open        Open
SL80486SX           2 + 3        I + 2      1 + 2      Closed      Closed
80486DX         1 + 2,3 + 4      1 + 2      Open       Open        Open
SL80486DX       1 + 2,3 + 4      1 + 2      1 + 2      Closed      Closed
CX M7           1 + 2,3 + 4      2 + 3      2 + 3      Open        Open
CX M72          1 + 2,3 + 4      2 + 3      2 + 3      Open        Open
80486DX2        1 + 2,3 + 4      1 + 2      Open       Open        Open
SL80486DX2      1 + 2,3 + 4      1 + 2      1 + 2      Closed      Closed
80486DX4        1 + 2,3 + 4      1 + 2      1 + 2      Closed      Closed

                  CPU VOLTAGE SELECTION
Voltage                      JP25
3.3v                Pins 3 + 5, 4 + 6 closed
 5v                 Pins 1 + 3, 2 + 4 closed

                 VL BUS SPEED SELECTION
  Speed                        JP7
< = 33MHz                      Open
  > 33MHz                     Closed

Setting                        JP8
0 wait state                   Open
1 wait state                  Closed

==================END OF DATA FOR J-403TG 486 GREEN VLB===================

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