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==View or Print jumper settings using Fixedsys or New Courier fonts==

CAM33-P2/CPM20-PO/CPM25-PO 486 Motherboard

	- BIOS ID string   40-0101-D81105-10101111-060691-OPWBSX-F
	- 2-72pin SIMM slots   (optional)
	- 8-30 pin SIMM slots  (1-64meg FPM DRAM)
	- 6-16 bit ISA slots
	- 2-8 bit ISA slots
	- 64k-256k CACHE support in 8-28pin sockets + 2 TAG RAM socket
	- AMI 1990  Bios
	- Opti 82C493/82C392, C+T P82C206 chipset  
	- CPU socket which supports these processors:
	  INTEL 80486SX,80486DX/DX2
	- Supports speeds of 20/25/33 MHz.
	- manufactured by: AUVA COMPUTER INC.
	- websites:  http:// ???????????

Purpose              Location     Purpose                      Location
External battery       J11        Turbo LED                      JP11
Power LED+keylock      J20        Reset switch                   SW1
Speaker                J21       
Turbo switch           SW2       

   Function                              Jumper      Position
*  CMOS memory normal operation            JP1        2 + 3
   CMOS memory clear                       JP1        1 + 2
*  Monitor type select color               JP2        Closed
   Monitor type select monochrome          JP2        Open
*  Bus speed select CLK1/4                 JP6        Open
   Bus speed select CLK1/6                 JP6        Closed
*  CPU speed select iOSC/2                 JP7        2 + 3
   CPU speed select iOSC/1                 JP7        1 + 2

                           DRAM CONFIGURATION
Size        Bank 0           Bank 1           Bank 2          Bank 3
1MB        (4) 256Kx9        NONE             NONE             NONE
2MB        (4) 256Kx9       (4) 256Kx9        NONE             NONE
4MB        (4) 1Mx9          NONE             NONE             NONE
5MB        (4) 256Kx9       (4) 1Mx9          NONE             NONE
6MB        (4) 256Kx9       (4) 256Kx9       (1) 1Mx36         NONE
8MB        (4) 1Mx9         (4) 1Mx9          NONE             NONE
9MB        (4) 256Kx9       (4) 1Mx9         (1) 1Mx36         NONE
10MB       (4) 256Kx9       (4) 256Kx9       (1) 1Mx36        (1) 1Mx36
12MB       (4) 1Mx9         (4) 1Mx9         (1) 1Mx36         NONE
13MB       (4) 256Kx9       (4) 1Mx9         (1) 1Mx36        (1) 1Mx36
16MB       (4) 1Mx9         (4) 1Mx9         (1) 1Mx36        (1) 1Mx36
16MB       (4) 4Mx9          NONE             NONE             NONE
20MB       (4) 1Mx9         (4) 4Mx9          NONE             NONE
24MB       (4) 1Mx9         (4) 1Mx9         (1) 4Mx36         NONE
28MB       (4) 1Mx9         (4) 1Mx9         (1) 1Mx36        (1) 4Mx36
32MB       (4) 4Mx9         (4) 4Mx9          NONE             NONE
36MB       (4) 1Mx9         (4) 4Mx9         (1) 4Mx36         NONE
40MB       (4) 1Mx9         (4) 1Mx9         (1) 4Mx36        (1) 4Mx36
48MB       (4) 4Mx9         (4) 4Mx9         (1) 4Mx36         NONE
52MB       (4) 1Mx9         (4) 4Mx9         (1) 4Mx36        (1) 4Mx36
64MB       (4) 4Mx9         (4) 4Mx9         (1) 4Mx36        (1) 4Mx36
Note: Banks   2 + 3 are not on all boards and had to be special ordered.

            CPU TYPE SELECT
Type            JP3     JP4     JP5
80486SX         open    open    2-3
80486DX         2-3     closed  1-2

                     CACHE CONFIGURATION
Size           Bank 0                TAG              Dirty Bit
64KB          (8) 8Kx8           (1) 8K  x  8         (1) 64K x 1
256KB         (8) 32 K x 8       (1) 32K  x  8        (1) 64K x 1

Size          JP8          JP9           JP10            JP12
64KB          Open         Open          Open            Open
256KB         Open         Closed        Closed          Closed

======================END OF DATA FOR CAM33-P2===========================

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